Sooo Like always when I am about to execute a big event, I lose - TopicsExpress


Sooo Like always when I am about to execute a big event, I lose sleep worrying and overthinking about millions of things like, what could go wrong? How can I do this? Do I have that? What if this? Is this good enough? Am I serving every ones needs? Will it succeed? Will it fail? And the stupid list goes on, and on until it like morning time and I have now transformed in to a zombie. My husband and friends constantly tell me to relax and don’t overthink it, and I always say yes your right I’m not going to.....and then....Dun dun dun........It happens again. I always ask myself is it my faith? Do I not trust that God has this handled? I tell myself No, but yet I still worry, and when the day finally come, everything does work out fine, Like God telling me "See I told you so” I found these quote and I love because they are so simple, and so true, and I applied them to myself, along with this bible verse that just made me stop and say SHUT UP PATRICIA!! Mat 6:27 "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" In my Propia Face como dice el Pastor David. hahahaha What good is it to worry, it don’t make me live longer, I could die in the night and what would my worrying have caused. Now don’t get me wrong, it is good to be concerned and be on top of things, but not trip over it that DOES NOTHING, and then your mind starts twisting and distorting and then you’re left with bags under your eyes from not sleeping hahahahah. Any way I hope this speaks to you as it did to me, it’s not a magic recipe to just quit, but it will help little by little, here are some other verses to help out. God bless everyone Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 6:25-34, 1 Peter 5:6-7,
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:53:07 +0000

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