Soooo Why is it that today we dont entertain in our homes - TopicsExpress


Soooo Why is it that today we dont entertain in our homes anymore? I think that in todays society we get too caught up in needing to make impressions. We the house clean, do I know how to make good appetizers......or Heaven forbid an entire meal!!!! When I was a kid wed get together with friends, in our homes every weekend--the whole family. Maybe my Dad had been fishing & we had a big catfish fry or wed put our food together, might be sandwiches and Rice Krispie Bars, whatever anybody had, because nobody had a lot of money. Still, we had great times! Now me, I enjoy an occasional fancy get together,but thats because thats what I love to do, set a fun table, maybe have candles or try new recipes. Are my parties perfect--nope! One night we had company coming & the table was all set. As I was lighting the candles the doorbell rang. I had on a HOT FUSCHIA silk blouse with puffy sleeves, with black velvet cuffs and collar. As I reached across to light a candle, yup my sleeve hung over another flame and I was Smokin Hot that night. As our friends came in Loren said Darla is in the basement, shes on fire right now. The melted silk was a lovely aroma at the table too. Another time Id served a casual meal & Id fixed 2 desserts (my favorite thing) It was a chocolate pie and a new FROZEN layered chocolate sensation. I didnt know that you had to take it out to thaw for a bit. My entertaining husband stood at the head of the table with a LARGE SERRATED knife and acted like he was sawing a log. ok I was a bit ticked with I picked up the dessert carried it out to the deck and heaved the dessert, plate and all over the hill. I heard it roll all the way down to the creek. I came back in laughing and it was worth the disaster to see the looks on everyones faces! Loren just shook his head like----I dont believe you did that. We laughed all night. I could write a book on entertaining disasters........did anyone care? nope So now that we are done with our remodeling project weve decided to start having friends over that weve missed being with. Tonight is our 3rd group, am I gonna fuss no, Were gonna sit by the new fire pit and talk just eating my Homemade Kettle Korn. Life is too short to keep saying We need to get together sometime. Lets embrace our friends, order that pizza, maybe get together in the evening......whatever is easy. Our friends and family are the ones who know us best and love us anyway. Well hope may be on our list!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:59:45 +0000

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