Sorry this did not get done until this morning. It was late when - TopicsExpress


Sorry this did not get done until this morning. It was late when we got home and I was EXHAUSTED! 12/29/14 - Dylan (Travis brother) and I got to Hermitage to pick him up and take him to Columbia. He was at the Nurses Station the center of attention and I think LOVING every minute of it. Dylan and I had to pack up all his things and get them into the van to head out to Columbia. This was bittersweet for me as well as everyone at Hermitage. Travis was his old silly self!!! Got him loaded into the van and off we went. Travis and Dylan sat in the back on the bench seat and played a game on Dylans tablet. It is called Flow Free. I was quite impressed about Travis doing this game...Why??? Because I have a stinking hard time playing that game!!!! As you can see in the video, he is not perfect, but he can sure figure it out. He did many, many of the levels perfect and without any errors, but personally, I think he was messing up because he knew I was videoing it (after we arrived at Rusk)!! We got to Rusk and there were quite a few who came to help with Travis. They got his wheelchair and transferred him and got him inside. They also brought a huge cart so we could bring all his goodies upstairs without any hassle! We got inside and up to his room (after signing paperwork of course). They are going to have to learn Travis now..... and deal with me....woohoo!!!! New group of people to harass!!! They brought him something to eat (go figure...hamburger and fries!!!) I did give them warning that he LOVES ketchup! Oh, and by the way...he LOVES FOOD PERIOD!! Do not mess with him when there is food around!!! The nurse came in to do admit stuff and then we waited for the Dr. One came in who is not on his team just to say hi. He stood on one side of the room and asked Travis if he could see him. Travis says no. I know good and well he can see, so I motioned to the Dr. to hold up fingers and ask him then. Yeah, he could see the fingers held up, but not the Dr.! We laughed about that. He could see the fingers just fine! Dr. already has Travis pegged as a troublemaker!!! Then one of the Drs who will be working with him came in and visited. Asked me a ton of questions while Mr. Smartie Pants, Travis, sat over there playing Flow Free. I gave him Travis Journey in a nutshell and then comes time for him to ask Travis some questions. Boy, I wish I could be there for all the evaluations just to get a good idea of what Travis is really about!!! He asked basic, birthday, todays date, where he is, what year it is, etc. Some he got right, others, not so much. But then.... here is the kicker.... the Dr. says.....If I have 20 and take away 3, what is left. Travis response...17!!! With very little hesitation. I gasped, and looked away in tears!!! Then the Dr. says, take away 3 more and Travis says 14. Holy Cow!!!! I am still blown away!!! He will be evaluated by Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and not sure who else. This will happen on Tuesday and then they plan to start working him HARD on Wednesday. It will be 3 hours a day for 5 days. Grueling, but needed. Travis has been warned!!! He says he is up for the battle! When we left, Travis was taken to Meal Group which is great because he is not alone while he is eating in his room. It is similar to a cafeteria where they can assist with cutting his food, etc. I heard Chicken Parmesan before he got his meal. That was one of his (and the rest of the familys) favorite meals that I cooked for them when we had family dinner. He remembered because I asked him whose favorite is Chicken Parm and he pointed to himself. Then I asked who makes a great chicken parm and he pointed to me! Love that he remembers!!! We said our goodbyes and left. I figure, why stick around...the food is the most important to him now. We will no longer have any attention! That, and the drive home is about 2 hours and I was TIRED! As I close this update, I want to just leave you all with a couple descriptive words that I heard the Dr.s say about Travis recovery..... one was remarkable, but the other....Miraculous!!!! Need I say more? To God, Be the Glory!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:28:28 +0000

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