South Korea is the World’s 14th largest economy yet an estimated - TopicsExpress


South Korea is the World’s 14th largest economy yet an estimated 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are slaughtered and eaten as “health food” each year. This Black Market Industry has never been legislated, regulated or even acknowledged by the World’s farming Industries or Food Standards Organizations. So why do Governments allow this practice to continue and set up expensive trade agreements to include animal welfare provisions, only to turn a blind eye? Forced to endure deprivation and unimaginable torment from the moment they are born till the day they are slaughtered; dogs are imprisoned in cramped rusty raised cages all their lives with no protection from extreme weather and no water, exercise or medical care. Their eardrums are often burst to prevent them from barking. In broad daylight, often in front of other live dogs, they are electrocuted, hanged, beaten or burnt to death. This is a profit-driven, tax free, unregulated industry that aggressively promotes the myth that eating a dog (especially the dog’s penis) enhances man’s virility and gives him energy. In addition, consumption peaks during the hottest days of summer! Koreans “genuinely” believe that the more dogs suffer, the more the consumer will enjoy the health benefits and enjoy the meat. Many dogs are sadistically made to experience extreme fear and suffering prior to death. Cats are frequently boiled alive to make tonics believed to treat rheumatism. The demand is so high in South Korea 30% of the dog meat is now imported from China. MYTH The Biggest of all! – Only a certain type of dog is eaten. FACT In reality all dogs can fall foul to the dog meat industry. Farmed yellow dogs, abandoned former pets, purebreds, unwanted puppies and breeding dogs from mills, shelter dogs, sick dogs, and even Jindos (a Korean classified national monument No. 53). MYTH Dogs bred for consumption feel no pain. FACT Eminent Scientist Stephen hawking confirmed in just 2012 animals especially those of the companion variety are sentient beings. Puppies and cats plunged into a boiling vat of water definitely feel pain! MYTH Eating dog is a part of Korean Culture. FACT Evidence and recent testimonial by South Koreans show the historical reason to “avoid starvation” no longer stands. The reason it is continually described as “Korean Culture” nowadays is to defend it against Westerns criticism. All animal abuse must be stamped out. Values need to be changed. “In Korea, there is a word, “Me-Pung-Yang-Sok” which means “Beautiful custom and good morals” and refers when one culture deserves respect. I have never heard any Koreans call Dog meat as “Me-Pung-Yang-Sok”. Dog meat consumption is NOT a real Korean traditional food but the base of animal cruelty in Korea.” -Sue Cho CHINA Estimated 10 million dogs eaten each year (Farmed, stray and stolen pets). Popular especially in cold winter the myth being eating them keeps you warm. In some regions, dogs are beaten to death to release blood into the meat. Demand from South Korea is so high that 20% of dogs eaten there are even imported from China. VIETNAM One of the key dog meat markets in Southeast Asia. Large-scale, illegal movement of dogs of unknown disease and vaccination status threatens public health and is an impediment to rabies control. Traditionally beaten to death for purported health and virility claims and to get rid of bad luck at the end of the lunar month. THAILAND Strays and stolen pets are illegally transported across the border to Vietnam to serve growing demand. PHILIPPINES Half a million dogs slaughtered annually, National Legislation has not stopped the practice. A clear example of why world action is needed.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 10:14:00 +0000

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