Southside has cleared one more hurdle in its attempt to become a - TopicsExpress


Southside has cleared one more hurdle in its attempt to become a city. Brandon Gay, Keep Southside Free From Annexation co-chairman, announced at a meeting of Southside residents on Tuesday night that earlier in the day, the community had enough certified signatures for its petition of incorporation and will go before Independence County Judge Robert Griffin to determine whether the petition is legal. That hearing will take place at 9 a.m. Oct. 24 at the Independence County Courthouse. “October 24th will give us precedence over the November election,” Gay said. “If the judge finds in favor, we have preempted any takeover before the election. As soon as the judge puts his signature on it something neat happens — we become a town.” And that town will be known as Southside, Arkansas. Before the hearing is held, according to Gay, there will be a 30-day “cooling off period” where no legal action can be taken by Batesville. Gay said the county judge is currently researching whether the petition is legal, and that a notice of the hearing will have to run three times in the newspaper. At the hearing, anyone who wishes will have a chance to speak out against the incorporation, but if Griffin finds in favor, then he will send the petition to the state to be certified.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:58:43 +0000

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