Speak His Words in Truth, and Speak it exactly as it is written - TopicsExpress


Speak His Words in Truth, and Speak it exactly as it is written yet if you change it, making an opinion of it, and add to it or take it away then you Despised His Words and Refuse to Guard His Words as plain and simple. Once He spoke it clearly and you do it in obedience because His Words stand forever and unchangeable because He made you for His esteem and gave you a breath to live forever. Yahuah is your Father and your only True Living Elohim. There is No One besides Him, Alone is He our Everlasting Saviour and He Alone Mighty One above all creatures He created. No Men can ever be Elohim nor be our Creator because the Father is One who spoke through their mouths, “I am your Redeemer, your Creator of the Heavens, your Father and my name is Yahuah, your El Shaddai.” Yes, this Man who is a Son of Elohim is our Prince and a Saviour because Yahuah Elohim has exalted Him to His Right Hand and the Son have come in His Father’s name, Yahuah. It had NOT change since the beginning and almost everyone misunderstood our Messiah as calling him who is a Man, “My Elohim.” You must have been blind to what our Messiah spoke, “My Father who stay in Me, and does His works. I do not speak from Myself.” (John 14:10) And the Messiah told us truthfully, “……It is my Father who esteems Me, of whom you said that He is your Elohim.” (John 8:54b) This is why our Messiah’s name called, Yahuah our Righteousness and The Words of Yahuah because He do none at all of Himself and let His Father do all the works. Not His desire, but Desire of our Father. He esteemed His Father’s Name, Have His Father Name and Declared His Name. It is all about the Father in Him, His Name in His Name and All of His Characters in Him, and All of His Works Have Given to Him. “And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I have been esteemed in them.” John 17:10 This is why They are One. You see the Son, You see the Father. You see the Messiah, You see Elohim. “My Master, My Elohim,” said T’oma (John 20:28) because he saw the Son, then saw the Father. It is all about Him through His Son which is No One come to the Father except through the Son. If you do not know the Father then you have not yet know the Son. You looked at the Son in the flesh and said, “My Master” then your eyes passed Him by in the Spirit then saw the Father and said, “My Elohim!” Because You believed in the Son then you became Spirit and saw the Father. A Everlasting Creator of a everlasting creation. A Everlasting Sovereign of a everlasting sovereign. A Everlasting Father of a everlasting son. A Everlasting Name of a everlasting name. A Everlasting Character of a everlasting character. “No one has ever seen Elohim. The only brought-forth Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He did declare.” John 1:18 The Father made His Son in likeness of His Image so that you behold the Son, who is in the bosom of the Father which you may behold Him. You know the Son, You know the Father which you have come through the Son. If you call the Son who is a Man, “My Elohim,” then how are you able to call the Father who is a Spirit, “My Elohim?” There is no Two Elohim. You can Not Serve Two Elohim because You will love Him and hate Other. Our messiah proved us enough that He is Son of Adam, A Man, Born of a woman, born under Torah, and born in sin of flesh. Moreover, He called the Father, “My Father, My Elohim.” (John 20:17, Romans 8:3, Galatians 4:4 & Hebrews 2:14) Surely, He will look at you if you called him, “My Elohim,” then said, “My Father is your Elohim.” Other Names you are calling Him and He will say to you, “I have come in My Father’s Name. Who are you calling those Names? Why are you Add new letters to My Father’s Name? Why did you replace My Father’s Name to Other Name? Haven’t you known My Father’s Name? His Name is from of old, and this is His Name which I have come in.” Image that you are holding those wooden idols of Jesus or kissing those silver and gold crosses then the Messiah stand besides you and said, “My Father is not in those idols, neither in gold nor in silver. Neither am I in any of those for I am a Man who has been in My Father’s esteem because I esteemed Him.” The Messiah said, “I am your Master who came in the flesh, I am the Words of Yahuah and My name is Yahuah your Righteousness. My Father is your Elohim who is in Spirit, He is the Creator who spoke the Words that came to be and His Name is Yahuah, your El Shaddai.” Indeed you must discern between truth and false. You must checking the First Writing to confirmed the Second Writing because there is a false pen of the scribe has worked falsehood. (Jeremiah 8:8-9) If you focused only on the Second Writing then you have been imaging vain things and falsehood of a Man, and believed a STRONG lie rather than the Truth. ( 1 Thessalonians 2:9-12) You have created a falsehood image of His Son, a falsehood name and a falsehood character. Everything in the First Writing described about His Son in the Second Writing as nothing is hidden and must be filled. (Isaiah 45:19 & Luke 24:44) If I don’t see anything of His Character and His Name from Frist Writing in Second Writing then I rejected the Falsehood Name and Character of Him. I stand EVERY Words from Mouth of Yahuah because He have not spoke in secret from the beginning. I do not listen to any men who spoke, “Do not read the Frist Writing for it is Out of Date and it is for Hebrews only.” Yet I looked at them, and said, “If this is so then you are lying and tried to get me away from the Truth because you hate His Instructions, cast His Words behind your back and walking in your own wisdom. I will go and find out myself without listening to you.” In my awe, Every Words confirmed the Second Writing then it greatly disturbed me about the Name of His Son and I dig it deeply than I ever studied. I could not find Jesus Christ in the Frist Writing then could not find Yahusha in the Frist Writing either and every other New Names I could not find it!! I kept searching until I read of Jeremiah 23:5-6, “When I shall raise for Dawid a Branch of Righteousness and a Sovereign shall reign and act wisely, and shall do right-ruling and righteousness in the earth. In His Days Yehduah shall be saved and Yisrael dwell safely. And this is His Name whereby He shall be called but I stopped reading it and gazed at this verse in a silent for a long awhile….. “Yahuah our Righteousness…..” It boggling my mind, and then the Messiah spoke, “I have come in my Father’s Name. Do not add to it nor Take it away. I have come in My Father’s Name and I guard you in His Name which He have given Me because I desire that you who He have given Me, might be with Me where I am, so that you see My esteem which He have given me.” Then now there is NO doubt in my eyes that is His Name, Yahuah. Then the verse came to my thoughts, “In Yahuah all the seed of Yisrael shall be declared right and boast.” Then I smiled with much joy which I never, ever knew! So No One can ever take that joy away from my being and shall only walk in name of Yahuah. I shall mention none of other names expect Yahuah for in Yahuah, I have righteousness and strength. Yeah, in Yahuah Messiah, I have righteousness and strength because He also have righteousness and strength! His Name described His Character, Righteousness and Strength so this is what it means…. Oh, Blessed is He who coming in Name of Yahuah! HalleluYah!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 21:56:41 +0000

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