Speaker Boehner has made it absolutely clear that he won’t lift - TopicsExpress


Speaker Boehner has made it absolutely clear that he won’t lift a finger to fix our broken immigration system so President Obama is right to protect families from being torn apart. Speaker Boehner is out of excuses and his failure of leadership is enormous. Our broken immigration system is one of the biggest challenges we face as a nation and Speaker Boehner knows that addressing it is the right thing to do, yet the Tea Party spooked him into cowering in a corner. Instead of working with Democrats to forge bipartisan solutions, Speaker Boehner has sunk to suing the President and wasting taxpayer money in a transparent attempt to appease the Tea Party. “More than a year ago, the Senate passed bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform. The Senate’s legislation would reduce the deficit by $200 billion over the next ten years, more than all waiting House bills combined. But it is now clear those of us looking for common-sense solutions do not have a partner in the Republican-led House. With no prospect for reform in the Republican-led House, the choice is between taking action and letting hard-working families continue to be torn apart. President Obama is right to take action to protect families by asking Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Holder to look at what he can do within his administrative authority.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 19:24:31 +0000

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