Speaking with my wife, something occurred to me: We are the first - TopicsExpress


Speaking with my wife, something occurred to me: We are the first generation in a couple of hundred years which has had to face a very complicated dillemma-that of how to potentially handle family dramas concerning relocation to an unknown territory! Its very exciting and very troubling at the same time. At least weve got about ten years to work it out and I can see it coming now, but really, how would we go about handling it IF (and admittedly it is a big if) Alisha and I were selected to participate in the colonization of Mars, but Alana is opposed to going? She should be about 14/15 then. Shell have a life here, with friends, probably a boyfriend, a plan for her life, etc. And then we come to her with the news that she is to pack her bags and get ready to jump on a spaceship and fly to another planet? She might not take it so well... Wed have three choices: A) Stay with her and give up our dream. B) Force her to go with us, somehow. C) Convince her that this planet is on its way out and that to stay is folly. We have people in prominent positions in our government who can hold fossils in their hands and deny evolution. Why, then is it of any surprise that these men and women can be presented with stacks of papers proving that global warming is taking place and that we are causing it, and then stand there, look us in the eye and effectively say, nuh-uh!? The worst part isnt that these people exist or that they hold office. The worst part for me is that they actually have the support of so many citizens who will continue to vote for them! Sany Rios, a conservative talk show host actually accused President Obama of being a Muslim and backed up her claim by asserting that he used Islamic subliminal messages in the SOTU address when he used the word pillar. Her reasoning is that there are five pillars of Islam. Soldiers sneer at me when I mention his name, though its the REPUBLICANS who continue to vote against bills which would bring their buddies home or guarantee them jobs. Seniors roll their eyes at me when I mention the president even though its the REPUBLICANS who want to gut social security and medicare! Everyone else sneers at me when I mention his name even though they have(or now have the option of getting) quality health care, even if they know I have epilepsy and how badly I needed the ACA to happen. This planet is going to destroy itself and our country is going to be the one primarily responsible. We will be ejected from the U.N. but it wont matter-the Kochs, the Morgans and the Waltons will continue to get richer will the people continue to suffer and vote even worse people into office who will allow them to do even more damage to them and the planet. I want off and if I can manage it, Im going. But what will I do about Alana if she doesnt want to go? This is something that will weigh heavily on my mind for the next decade. Any thoughts or input is appreciated.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:00:20 +0000

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