~ Spec continues hunting . . . ~ Spec looked at the girl - TopicsExpress


~ Spec continues hunting . . . ~ Spec looked at the girl before him. He placed his foot in her back and kicked her out of the way. His eyes grew wider as the girl turned to dust and blew away. “By Odin’s balls!” he exclaimed, exasperated, “Where is a good thick bond when you need one?” The woman’s eyes flickered towards the Jarl who had happened to kick the girl from her perch and seeing it, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I think you kicked too hard. You turned her to dust!.” He turned to look at her. “Aye. There was not enough meat on that one.” She nodded, seeming to agree with him and her blue eyes wandered over each soul in the room, seeming to drink up the solemn atmosphere. She sighed, knowing too well why they felt like that. The woman sidled up and crouched behind the huge chair in which the Jarl sat. She peered round it, her fingers wrapping around the edge as she looked at him, her eyes curious and sparkling with mischief. She leaned over and poked him gently. He reached out, grasping the woman’s hand. “What do you seek?” . She squealed and flashed a nasty look his way, feeling his strength as he gripped her tightly. She tried to calm her voice, though it quivered lightly. “I seek nothing but to make sure you’re well . . . maybe . . .” She tilted her head, blowing strands of her dark hair that strayed over her eyes and looked at him. The man looked briefly across the room, then pulled the woman around where he could see her better, looking into her eyes . “Aye, woman, you wanted to see if I was real or are you wishing something else?” She tugged hard and looked at him in frustration. “I know you’re real, sir, . . . or my hand would have slipped through you like mist. Now if you would kindly let me go?” She dropped to one knee. His strength was too much to fight and she could only look at him in the hope that he would release her wrist. Spec’s gaze wandered over the woman before he leaned closer to her. His breath was hot on the flesh of her neck. “I know what you seek and you have found it.” She swallowed hard, feeling the dryness in her mouth as her spit disappeared. “Um . . . and what is that, sir?” She peered up at him, her eyes nervous, with a hint of fear. She knew he wouldn’t let go and she cursed herself under a soft breath. The mountainous man smiled and took a deep breath, inhaling her scent. He place a hand to her belly. “I feel a fire inside you when you come close, burning, wanting release, to be free: a strong spirit and a desire to be what you are.” Feeling her cheeks burn, she bit hard on her bottom lip, refraining from letting slip a snide comment. His hand pressing against her stomach made her go taut and she trembled slightly, not wishing him to find out what truly lay beneath this false visage. “Fire? What fire? You must be wrong, sir.” He perused the bond to his left with a smile and slapped his leathers. His other hand kept a firm grip on the her. “You cannot hide what you are from me.” He leaned closer, his lips close to the bare skin of her neck. “Even your flesh gives you away.” The woman breathed in deeply. His breath, warm and hot, wafted across her silky, mocha skin, teasing it and sending chills running across her spine, her flesh prickling and bumping from its humidity. She dared not look up, keeping her face hidden, letting her hair drape over her neck and face. His voice resonated in her ears like an echo as she listened to his words. She knew what he said was true, and she could only nod, nothing more. She was too scared to utter anything that would likely land her in more hot water than she had already put herself into. The Jarl turned his gri,p forcing her to her knees at his boot, scrutinising her. “You know my words ring true. You are what I say you are.” His face came close to her ear, and his tongue glided along the lobe. “You are a bond and you have found what you seek, girl: a place at my boot. She gasped as he forced her to her knees, his tongue leaving a slick, wet trail over her earlobe. She knew her cheeks had darkened a few shades darker from her blushes. With what dignity she had left as this northern man stripped it from bit by bit, her she said in a cracked voice, “Aye, that be true, Jarl.” Her heart thumped madly in her chest as she knelt at his feet. Her fraying gown draped over her knees, giving teasing glimpses of her thigh. She seemed to freeze as a soft whine came from her lips, his touch driving her senses wild, the strength and command in his tone enforcing her immobility. Watching her with interest, Spec released her with a simple gesture “Strip and show me what you are, girl. As the fire inside you burns, let it show.” The woman gave him an incredulous look. “Strip??” Her single question was rhetorical. She knew what he meant. She just wanted to stall the inevitable moment where she would kneel, naked and vulnerable. before his critical eyes. Spec stood, his hand griping his whip as it uncoiled to the floor, pointing a hand towards the serpent off in the distance. “I only ask once girl.”He draped the whip around her neck. “Go there, girl, as what you seek is there. My serpent awaits.” The potential bond shuddered feeling the whip’s kiss along her neck and her eyes followed where he pointed, seeing the serpent of which he spoke. Spec barked out orders to his men to make ready to sail, turning with a smile as he moved off to his serpent. After some time at sea, they berthed and he stepped onto the dock, waving a hand and slapping his leathers. “Come!” The new bond swallowed hard and perused her surroundings. She knew none but him, and he only recently. She fell in quickly beside him. “What is going to happen?” The huge man pointed to the holding far up the slope. “You are going there and I am taking you as my bond, girl.” The bond looked past his pointing finger, up the slope, and breathed in the cool, frigid air that bit into her chest. and She Stared back at him. “Bond?” Her voice was hushed, knowing her freedom was not gone, but just beginning. He who brought her here waved a hand to Vil. “I return with a slut.”He looked at the woman at his side. “She will be mine, brother.” Vil raised his arm, seeing his Jarl coming towards the huge gate “Ho there, mae Jarl.” He nodded at the woman beside Spec, who craned her head upwards. The man her captor spoke to was a dark outline against the grey sky and she breathed in deeply trying to stay calm. The huge gate in front of them was shut tight but she knew it would open soon to let them pass. Spec slapped his leathers. “Harta, beast.” He watched the girl moving towards the gate and put his shoulder to it as it swung open, kicking the heavy timber in place as it swung shut again. She heard the slap of leather and his stinging words. She rushed to his side, slipping through the gate behind him and feeling the heavy woosh as it closed tight behind her. “Come,” the single word commanded. He stopped before the circle and looked at her. “You know what this is, girl?” he asked her, his hand moving to her shoulder as he waited. The girl stared at the stones that formed the circle, knowing of and hearing stories about its being a bond circle. She chewed her lip gently, knowing she will be either thrown in or must go in willingly. “Aye, my Jarl, I do know what it is, though I’ve only heard stories of it on my wanderings, so it’s the first I ever saw.” He smiled and leaned closer to her. “Aye, then, you know what you must do. I shall give you one chance to enter the circle of your own will. If it’s not taken, I shall throw you in there.” The bond stared at the stones in fear feeling as if they will leave a stinging mark if she stepped within, but she knew it wouldn’t. The fear was thrilling and it drove her to want to step in to play with the danger. Her face turned up to his and she nodded, smoothing her gown that had seen much better days. She stepped over the stones and turned to look at him. She didn’t have to be thrown in. He smiled at her. “Strip,” he ordered again, “and become what you are!” The woman held her head high as she stripped herself of her garments, letting them drop about her ankles. The chilling air licked across her skin as she stood there, naked and shiveing lightly from the icy air. The big man’s eyes roamed over her flesh as he reached into his pouch to take out an old rusted collar. “Come forth girl, drop to your knees before me and state what you are.” The bond stepped over the stones, her toes digging into the grass and feeling its springy texture. Slowly, she dropped to her knees in a fluid motion, her head tilted upwards eyeing the iron he held in his hand. “I am a bond, a beast, your property, here to serve you in any way you wish me of and if am not pleasing enough you may do as you wish to this beast, Jarl.” He smiled and corrected her. “My Jarl.” With that said, he leaned down taking the collar and placing it around her neck. As it closed, he turned his attention to the fire-pit and took up a rivet, tossing it to the coals. He waited for it to turn white hot and carried it to the anvil. “Stand and bend your neck to the anvil, girl.” He reached for a hammer and drew on some heavy leather gloves. The bond dared to follow him, the heat from the burning hot coals sending a warmth over her skin and she gave a faint smile at the temperature. Grabbing some tongues, he picked up the rivet as it changed from rust to white hot. He eased her neck onto the anvil, moving her hair out of the way. “Dont move, girl, as whenI strike with the hammer I shall not want you to jump. It could crush your skull.” The woman held herself stock still, cringing as she felt the hard thud of the hammer on the rivets he pushed into her collar to weld it closed and she inhaled, holding her breath as she waited for it to be finished . He took up the hammer. placing the rivet in the clasp of the collar. He raised the hammer up, took aim and brought it down, forcing the rivet through. Rivet and collar became one, not like those of the south, with keys, but with a few more strikes and showers of sparks, the welding of the collar and rivet was completed. He grabbed the bucket of water, dousing girl and collar both with the cold water. “Come,” he said again to the girl, and returned to the hall. The new bond followed close behind, her eyes wandering across the hall as they enter. She gasped seeing how large and lovely it was..The big Jarl smiled. “Here bonds stay to sleep,” he said, showing her the furs in the bonds’ room.”And learn what you can girl.” The woman smiles..”Will do for you ,my Jarl. I don’t wish to be weak so shall grow strong in learning the ways of the North.” Spec smiled,pleased. “That is goo,d as your life depends on it.” The new bond grimaced.”Aye, my Jarl. The girl knows it does.”
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 11:33:03 +0000

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