Spent all afternoon at the ER at St. Anthonys hospital in Shawnee. - TopicsExpress


Spent all afternoon at the ER at St. Anthonys hospital in Shawnee. Little Mama fainted at lunch and was unresponsive... they couldnt rouse her. By the time I got to ER she was awake and combative... out of her head and angry, certain the people where she lived had conspired for that to happen. The CA with her was so sweet. I dont know how they go to work and listen to the madness every day. I guess knowing you get to go home when your shift is over makes it possible. Anyway, she left when I got there. I spent the next five hours with her while they ran all kinds of tests and nothing came up with anything wrong... ONLY her blood pressure was 210 over 91 and didnt lower more than two or three degrees even after they put nitro paste on a patch straight to her skin. They finally decided with nothing specific to treat she was to go back to the care center, at which time I left, too. By that time though, my Little Mama had gone from manic to as sweet and giggly and pleasant a person as you could imagine. I just let her rant until she was tired without arguing about anything; just hearing her out, and when they came and put another warm blanket over her, it was like something clicked inside her brain and the moment of comfort took her out of the madness as surely as if shed walked from the crazy room right into solace. She told a nurse later, who asked how she was feeling, that she was fine and she wasnt going to die without a fight. DUH... like I havent been a witness to this battle already? Then her youngest granddaughter and two of her children came in to see her and LM was even more happy. By the time I left, she was ready to go back to her apartment building. And I could not put her in my car without her thinking I was taking her HOME with me... so the ambulance took her back and that how stuff has to work. So.... Im home. Im toast. Tomorrow I pray Little Mama has a good day because my daughter doesnt. Tomorrow I take Scout to school and then take her for an MRI in the afternoon to see whats wrong with her back and then we go from there. I freakin hate it when my family is not well. I am a fixer and I cant fix anything that is wrong with any of them. Ugh. Im going to have to sleep on this turmoil and hope tomorrow is a better day.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:44:16 +0000

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