Spiritual Science... before Jesus Walks Most Holistic Human - TopicsExpress


Spiritual Science... before Jesus Walks Most Holistic Human History Posted on March 26, 2012 ALTOEGOs MUST-WATCH, SUPER INFORMATIVE 26, Adam and Eve, Atlantis, Bible, mayan, Nacaal, Niburu, Procession of the Equinox, Spirit Science Please have your own experience when reading this. I’m not going to tell you that this is a fact. I’m simply saying, “Decide for your self.” -from above, Spirit Science Quick Summary 1. A very long, long time ago there was a time when human beings were at a very high level of consciousness. We were inter-dimensional and very psychic. We communicated through thought and emotion just like animals do, rather than speak and write which would seem very primitive. But there was a conscious shift and new land appeared, the Atlantis. (Wait! Graham Hancock said something about Neanderthals being psychic – he was sure of it! : Please refer to Project Camelot Interviews Graham Hancock) 2. We lived in a string of island called, “Lemuria”. But when the consciousness shift (moving up) of the people took place, the islands of Lemuria sank, and a new island emerged. The Atlantis. This ancient consciousness shift seems very similar to what’s happening in the U.S. today. People are beginning to understand the power of meditation and venturing into ancient knowledge, ancient cities and their technology. 3. There were only 1,000 humans at a very high level consciousness. They were called The Nacaals. 4. The Nacaals prepared Atlantis to become their new home. With their high level consciousness energy, they prepped up the whole island with this energy in the form of a “Tree of Life.” Not with 10 circles, but with 12. 5. The reason for this move to Atlantis is due to Kundalini, often refer to as “an energy serpent that goes up and down on your spine.” Kundalini can be activated through meditation or prayer, and it ejects immense amount of energy through all of your Chakra. The Earth also has a Kundalini of itself, because our Earth is a living organism, just like us. 7. The Nacaals blew breath of life onto the surface of the Atlantic onto the Tree of Life vortex. The Vortex began ejecting massive energy which drew in hundreds, thousands of Lemurians from all over the planet. The great migration to Atlantis began. 8. Because Lemurians were right brained, they had more “female” energy. But their consciousness level was at a similar level of a 12 year old girl. So they could not all figure out the Tree of Life vortex, they left two vortex unused and unguarded. 9. According to the Mayan records, although 8 vortex was left open, there were 10 distinct cities in Atlantis. These documents also explain a great detail in the fall and the sinking of Atalantis. 10. With these two openings, 2 separate, distinct Alien races came to fill out the remaining two vortex. Hebrew and Martians. 11. Hebrews were left brain dominated, excelling in math, architecture, engineering. But couldn’t get the concept of the right brain, more spiritual side. So they failed the final graduation test, and came back on Earth. There were no trouble of Hebrews coming into our evolution. They actually helped us evolve better and faster. 12. It’s the Martians that caused a lot of trouble for humanity. 13. It’s called the “Lucifer Experiment” - Creation is just consciousness, creating itself and inhabiting in its masterpiece. A spirit can do whatever it wants. So if a spirit wants to disconnect itself from the main consciousness stream, and create its own creation of consciousness, then it can do that also. Lucifer is just another means of perceiving the reality. It is not a unity perception of oneness but a duality perception of two-ness. 14. All the Lucifer experiment has failed throughout the galactic history, they always seem to cut themselves from LOVE, become incredibly male & left-brained, everyone becomes very greedy, no compassion for one another, and everyone ends up fighting, killing each other. 15. More than millions of years ago, the Martians joined the Lucifer experiment and completely destroyed their once beautiful, Earth-like planet. 16. Understanding Merkaba and applying it can allow you to do amazing things. Such as being inter-dimensional, time traveling, and so on. 17. Martians were trying to build a synthetic Merkaba to restore the energy of the planet. Because the Martians were cut off from the unified consciousness of the Universe, they use this Merkaba as a technological tool only, traveling through different time to find a new home before the planet collapsed totally. 18. After a long search, they found 2 unguarded vortex on Atlantis. And they just settled in and tried to take over the control over Atlantis. But they were outnumbered and outgunned by millions of Lemurains. 19. Lemurains won the battle but they could not send the Martians back to Mars. The Martians were old and strong. But Lemurians were young and innocent. It’s like an old group of people chasing after a young group of girls. 20. Martians didn’t care about love, compassion, they started to invade into the consciousness of Lemurians. We slowly became left-brained, male beings. Martians eventually took over the whole Atlantis. 21. Edward Casey predicted that there will be a pole shift in our future. The last pole shift was 13,000 years ago, which marks the “fall of consciousness.” (Remember Edgar Cacey’s 10 predictions? Please refer to: Edgar Cacey’s Top 10 Prediction) 22. Scientists also discovered there was another pole shift 26,000 year ago. 23. The polar shift happens very quickly – it flips the magnetic poles 180 degree or 90 degree in a blink. Within 24 hours, the Sun will rise and fall in different places. (Wait. We also hear this in the Bible. Please refer to : Niburu On Approach?) 24. The time intervals of each polar shift are getting shorter and shorter, in other words, the pole shifts are happening faster and faster. 25. Nostradamus, Mayan Calender, the Bible, and numerous other ancient cultures talk about these pole shifts. And modern scientists such as Einstein also supports the Pole Shift theory. 26. And pole shift are very closely related the the consciousness shift of the inhabitants of the planet. Although many modern science don’t take that factor into account, yet.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:43:53 +0000

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