Spirituality 99% of the time can be used to reinforce, reassert, - TopicsExpress


Spirituality 99% of the time can be used to reinforce, reassert, recreate and further build our whole identity within its pursuit and array of intentions, in many new forms and ways, endlessly, until our life finally stops. Deep spirituality really only takes place within us, in that huge and vast 1% of our inner world that is really only interested in letting go of the vast world of how we think, encourage, enjoy, pursue our spiritual life and everything else we hold to within our life and identify with. Deep spirituality is a processing of our authentic self that has been 99% confused and endlessly layered over with all of our perception that believes it is of depth and further progress. How we can tell the difference at least somewhat, in at least some profound way, as none of this is so black and white as we know already, is that when we are feeling more genuinely humbled, uncomfortable, shaky, raw and are not as interested less than 50% anymore in reintroducing our sense of self and looking for as much validation, then we can count on things being closer to what is real than they were before in our past spiritual understanding, comprehension and perception. The depth of our being, processing and tending to life in the area of truth of our self, in this way is not pretty, is really and truly Not appealing to our sense of self, it is very foreign to us, that is why it is so humbling and in many ways disorientating and really has the genuine capacity to cut through any of our endless innocent levels of arrogance to bring out or genuine sense of unknowing and real humanity. Why deep spirituality is real and authentic, not as much like our innocent other endless perception, is because slowly it really is seen not as a force to ensure anything for oneself and that is actually the hardest, most uncertain and shaky thing about the whole process of this letting go into what is actually far more real than the great majority, literally, of what is just us trying to find home inside our being in the infinite ways we are able. This is being spoken with a seriousness of perspective, of how much we really do not understand and what is still in itself very new to me, the very real and vast reality of things and life itself, not the 99% of our reality that is in essence coming, moving and trying form itself from the same colorful, diverse, showy, human and infinite lens. We cannot post this kind of spirituality of facebook, on a billboard, find reassurance inside our self from it, use even the smallest amount of its essence to lead a class, just simply in anyway to influence the worlds perception of us, use it to build in anyway further on our inner world and sense of self and identity. This depth is the discovering of what is in the absence of the infinite and vast array of ways we perceive in this self based view. All of those movements are innocently small, inward in their essence, compared to what is waiting for us in a directly connected, engaged, real relationship to life. That 1% that is vast and huge within our small perception, is just basically not of the same fabric, the same substance. It is what surrounds, lives and brings to life the small consciousness inside us that is our world of identity, but is not in anyway affected, jaded, changed, altered, because it is simply the living and moving consciousness of what is. All that is actually is, trying to see itself through these eyes and body, that has forever believed it self to be separate and small, based in fear from the reality of this that is greater than itself within its intricate and complex home sewn conditioning
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 04:49:25 +0000

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