St Kitts and Nevis (WINN): The defection of two senior government - TopicsExpress


St Kitts and Nevis (WINN): The defection of two senior government ministers from the Denzil Douglas administration a year ago had a telling impact on the governing Labour Party. That was confirmed Wednesday by Prime Minister Denzil Douglas, in an interview with Radio Anguilla. Dr Douglas suggested however, while being interviewed by Radio Anguilla’s Keith Stone Greaves, that his St Kitts and Nevis Labour Party has been able to successfully recover from that obvious body blow. “I think naturally it created a bit of uncertainty as to the unified approach that the government had taken for several years,” the prime minister conceded. “With a public demonstration of cracks being in the leadership of the party and of the government, naturally I believe it would have caused uncertainty in the nation generally,” Dr Douglas said. However he insisted that very shortly after former senior ministers Dr Timothy Harris and Sam Condor defected from the governing Labour Party “we were able to again present a united front to the point where the party and the government appeared very stable, very attractive”. Prime Minister Douglas also indicated why the pending general election has not yet been held. With his administration likely to lose a now 14 month old motion of no confidence because of the 6/5 equation of elected MPs that favour the opposition, Dr Douglas has made it clear that he prefers going into an election. The High Court in Basseterre has ruled that there is no impediment to the tabling of the motion of no confidence in the government. However the prime minister in his Radio Anguilla interview, begged to differ. “Well I think there is an impediment in the sense that the Speaker is waiting on the court to direct it,” the prime minister told Radio Anguilla. Team Unity leaders have been picketing the National Bank, the workplace of Speaker Curtis Martin, urging him to abide by the court ruling and table the motion of no confidence. The nation is meanwhile awaiting the election date announcement, as both sides of the political divide continue to make their case for power on the campaign trail. Prime Minister Douglas is in the meantime making a case against coalition arrangements, suggesting that Team Unity, a grouping of three opposition parties led by Timothy Harris, is likely to implode if given the reins of government.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 17:58:35 +0000

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