Starbucks is sourcing its dairy milk from cows fed with - TopicsExpress


Starbucks is sourcing its dairy milk from cows fed with genetically modified foods produced by Monsanto, bred in exploitative factory farming conditions. Although Starbucks claims to be a leader in corporate responsibility, it has failed to provide its millions of customers with organic, GMO-free milk. The coffee giant already provides organic soy milk but doesn’t even offer an organic option for its dairy milk. Starbucks major competitors have already switched to organic milk -- the next logical step is for Starbucks to do the same. If we use our collective power and call on Starbucks to provide organic, GMO-free products we can push them to act and ensure a sustainable future for all. Tell Starbucks to provide organic dairy milk for its customers! The dairy milk served in Starbucks’ over 20,000 stores across the world comes from cows living in concentrated animal feeding operations. The animals are fed a grain diet comprised almost entirely of genetically modified food. Biotech giants, such as Monsanto, continue to profit from industrialised agriculture while the environment and people suffer the consequences of GMO farming. Starbucks likes to talk about its positive corporate responsibility record, but it is clear that until its retail stores commit to provide organic milk, that record remains tainted by Monsanto’s influence. If we take action now, we can pressure Starbucks into providing organic dairy milk, and ensure that it sticks by the ethical standards set by the corporation itself. Sign the petition to ask Starbucks to provide organic milk! Thank you for all that you do, Ledys, Paul and the rest of the team at ********** For more information: GMO Inside Announces Campaign To Get GMOs Out Of Starbucks’ Dairy, GMO Inside, March 4th 2014 SumOfUs is a worldwide movement of people like you, working together to hold corporations accountable for their actions and forge a new, sustainable path for our global economy.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 11:23:42 +0000

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