Starting a survival plan If youre considering starting a survival - TopicsExpress


Starting a survival plan If youre considering starting a survival plan, let me give you the basics of prepping, the beginners 101 kind of stuff. First things first, words like prepping and surviving (apocalypse, zombie attack, EMP etc) are very intimidating, to say the least. Just the sheer thought can overwhelm a normal person, I mean, disaster scenarios are not your common talking point when youre hanging out with your friends or drinking a beer with your neighbor, am I right? But theres nothing wrong in being prepared for the worst case scenario, even if youre not eating doom and gloom for breakfast. Now, if youre trying to define what the worst case scenario is, youre in trouble. Life is not predictable when it comes to anticipating future disasters and stuff like that, and trying to prepare for a specific scenario is a wild bet and also a possible waste of time and resources. Instead of focusing on individual shtf situations, let me show you a different way to deal with the uncertainties of the future: Firstly, you should try to ignore a specific scenario, dont try to plan for tornadoes only or an EMP attack or an earthquake; I am telling you this because prepping is a state of mind, it involves acquiring skills that will help you in your day to day life and in almost any survival situation imaginable. Dont try to be an expert, but a generalist when it comes to survival. See the big picture, keep an open mind to any possibility, dont waste your time with specific details, you cant predict the future so stop trying. Next, you must figure out for yourself whats really important for survival and whats not. You can start with what is important in your daily life and go from there. The basics are pretty much the same when it comes to survival : keeping yourself healthy, having shelter, food, water and, if possible, power independency (read get off the grid). Especially if were talking about hard core prepping and getting off the grid, finding your dependencies is the next BIG step when making a survival plan. Figuring out what your dependencies are is actually the incentive to dealing with your future problems in a real life survival scenario. Obviously, since were living in a high-tech society, were all dependent upon something(almost all of us), in one way or another, just think about where youre getting your food from and where does your power comes from. Right, you guessed correctly (I hope) : its time to make contingency plans, for each and every one of your dependencies. Plan for a situation when you cant go to the grocery for food and water, you dont have any power for a few days, you got the picture. Start from there, what will you do in such a situation? Plan for a three day disruption of services and then for more, a week, a month, a year, theres no time limit, try to make progress constantly. Bottom line, these are the basics of preparing for any type of disaster imaginable. When disaster strikes, a disruption in the way society works is to be expected, at different levels; all that varies is the amount of time you will spend without power/water/food available on your local Wal-Mart or without law enforcement . The specific scenarios are actually not important, since the end result is the same and youll have to deal with it. Get rid of your dependencies as humanly possible and plan for the worst; you will discover that being able to take care of yourself and your family will give you a real sense of security, youll be more peaceful and confident in the future. For more information about how to survival in a bad condition tinyurl/kuz2cxo
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 05:15:40 +0000

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