Starting (again)! The well laid plans of mice and - TopicsExpress


Starting (again)! The well laid plans of mice and men. Today, I am going to build a new house, make a million naira, kill ten cows with my bare hands. When I graduate school, I am going to find immediate employment with (fill in your dream job here), marry (insert dream boat specs here), have (estimate number of) kids, etc... When I clock 10 years on the job, I will ... I hope to discover the bus path to the moon... I wanna be a billionaire (so freaking bad)... I will this, I shall that... We love to make plans, matter of fact most times the saying: If you fail to plan you plan to fail spurs on a lot of us to make detailed plans concerning our futures, we plan for families and friends, we build in contingencies, miscellaneous and speculate far into the future. I stopped believing in, Man proposes, God disposes a long while ago. When? Well, when it dawned on me, that sh*t happens. Does not have to have a reason or method, just happens because it wants/has to happen just this very instant. So, what happens when you stumble along your carefully laid path of plans? When the proverbial eish happens? Do you freak out and begin to look for supernatural beings lurking around every corner, behind every hedge? Do you throw up your hands in resignation and declare, at least I tried!. Do you give in to despair, declare yourself a failure, snuggle into yourself and fear to dare? Or do you shrug it all off and tweak your failed method? Chalk it down to experience and give it another shot? Starting is a task! Starting again is a challenge, but the small victories you clock up along the way would soon turn those challenges into reference points, learning points... and curves. Beht... you will NEVER get there if you fear to dare. You have got to take the bold step! The first step! Find your passion. Where are those skills? Do you just sit and wait for the skills to come and get you or do you purposefully seek out skills? Transferable skills? Sometimes, in the simple day to day activities we overlook and consider inconsequential, lies the skills that would speak for us and stand us out from the crowd. So, while you are in school and dreaming of that oryel moni job, begin to identify your passion. What you can do on your own with little or no start up capital. Do you make a mean akara? The sort you eat and want to slap your brother? Then have you thought of packaging akara in funky take away packs for office workers, lunch packs for kids, as part of the small chop offerings at events, etc.. Think about it! I know of people who have put their hands in every sort of legitimate hustle to get to where they are today. You envy them in their flashy, cool life: they did not wait for opportunity to come to them, they got off their behinds and moved the eish to opportunitys doormot! Starting again after a fall from grace? Do not beat yourself up about it. It is worse, sitting and knowing you are doing nothing to re establish yourself. Come on, shake off the blues. Dust off yourself, lets go break down opportunitys door. The best time to start (again) was yesterday. The next best time... is NOW!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:01:24 +0000

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