Starting to Make Sense from reality Put together by - TopicsExpress


Starting to Make Sense from reality Put together by BReALfBwBridgin’ Engleharts Everywhere Typed by: Brian Englehart. Thesis Paper. Grad H.S. in 2010. Date 2/16/2014 9P.M. Respect to Everyone I have always see in my life. My Brothers & Sisters “Crystal Planet Philosophicationdiexpialadoseyas.” Dr.WME 114(C)411 (A-Z). Rittler (Women are Goodness’s Graces of Earth (C) Brain Polarization(Brain) “Carbon Copy Paper” -This monograph of Language is everything I have learned from everything and everyone that has led be to be where I am in the Now. Peaceful Purpose (Place Earth): “Carbon Star Dust Theory” - Proof that we are all connected, chemically and mentally, and stem from the same organic molecules. The State Mentality of the World (SynC): - Since Carbon ( C ) connects us all to our roots through evolution and organic chemistry - Some Letter Keys. C= Carbon in everything organic. T= Trials(T) in Time(T). Like an Orange Clock (circle). Pi = Infinity (I). Time (T) is also infinite(I). F=Future. Future will Always happen. F is also Infinite. G= Gravity. The one thing we all are born feeling first. G holds us down to Earth (C). A=All Human Beings. Organically made up of Carbon Chains that from DNA (ACTG) and eventually make up our Body (C) Human Beings Also call this Matter (M) = (C) . M=Matter is what makes up our Minds “The Questionable Absolute supremacy of Nature and Universe Equals US?” C=C(C)^4 = 4^(C)C=C The Brain starts working the moment it is formed and never stops until our bodies stop working because that’s how life works. At certain points in our lives we start getting very comfortable within our own looks of life. Same house, job, family and peoples. We love our loops. It’s what makes up keep on trucking on to a better future. A lot like loops of a racetrack, life goes, flashes forward and then we feel truly free in harmony with the tunnel of life we are continuously traveling up. At some points in life, we have to make a pit stop. Regroup, refuel and rerun on the yellow brick road. This pit stop feeling is how I felt graduating High School and taking that next step into college and now, hopefully :o) move on into the future Just a little background about myself, set and setting are key. I was born at Central DuPage Hospital 08/20/1991 and the moment the doctors let my parents take me home I knew I was loved. Wheaton became my home and I sit here writing this now 22 years in the future and still feel the same love every single day from my family. My parents were raised catholic so they placed me into the catholic school system, St. Michaels, Wheaton, IL. I learned so much about love, peace, respect and most of all spirituality. The crosses everywhere and bible verses being combined with math, science and English became a little redundant, but defiantly helped shape the person I am today. I was more fascinated with the peace and harmony this group of individuals showed me every day. I love science. Observations are best way to see any experiment through before even mixing anything together. Observing these saint walkers come together every Wednesday in school and also every Sunday as families. I preferred Sundays because there was about a %50 chance of free donuts after church, which I thought of the whole time while in church while people sang and verses were read. So in my head I was always at the donut buffet not so much in the community’s mindset of Sunday service. But, back to fascination, I was always intrigued at how so many different kinds of people can all gather together in groups and better their minds with verse, metaphor, horrible acts of violence, anger, greed, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice…it’s all the same story. One dude started to not like the way the world was changing and evolving. In order to protect and help the people he loves (brothers and sisters, lovers, family…), dude needed to change his ways. He toured around, saw what he saw, and interacted with whoever was friendly and most of all, Dude learned from each and every single face he saw. But dude was no lazy bum, he gathered a group of great families and friends together and started spreading the word on how things could be changed for the future of society and also for the people living in society. Then these groups started forming bigger groups in towns and yes we expand as a race. Where most of these “spiritual leaders” went wrong is when in the past is society’s forces moved much faster than society so it was very difficult to spread the goodness of freedom of thought quickly enough. Thank ~goD~ that it is 2014. But back to G-man, Dude usually decides to give up and the only way to prove their message of peace to society was by sacrificing themselves. Again, it is 2014, we have learned not to burn humans anymore as sacrifice to purify the soul. So…, Dude makes a huge scene in public in front of a ton of citizens of the same society and makes his final stand to see if he can force everyone listening to actually hear his meaning in his words. Most of them are great people and do not really care at all about one person screaming rainbows of peace in public because they are already at peace. They just have never really looked really hard at how everyone and everybody was interacting. Dude saw more in the way people walked and the expression in their faces as how they really felt about life. So, Dude tries to voice opinion in public and it starts spreading a slight fear that something is wrong around them. But nothing is ever really wrong from the start, it is everything extra that Dudet pays attention to that not everyone else sees that frightens normal chill town-folk. This fear grapevines up to the leaders of the city, leaders get mad and their immediate action as usual is to just kill this person and go back to normal. Like not one other soul in society heard dudet’s voice already that sparked a train of thought. Every single thing we hear, see and feel is real and sparks imagination and unbroken chains in memories. Back to Dude to finish up his legacy. All this love that he poured into society and his families really came around and bit him in the ass. Lesson learned in the present, chill on reLOVEaLLution until all parts of the plan are put together in order to do it right. Only a few families all sharing similar feelings is rarely enough to spark a change in the entirety of societies ways. This always left a sour taste in my mouth like death is only meaningful to one person. Thinking that if one “special dude” died because he loved everything and in this act he took away everyone’s “pain” of death. Every Human Being in a body dies at some point. This is true, believe it or not, but I always thought that death was more than that and why did I have to go play in his “heaven” when I died. I wanted to build my own “heaven” with everyone. All Souls. As my life shifted from catholic grade school into public middle school (Hubble Huskies where y’all at!), I just kept smiling like the wonderful teachers and preachers taught me to. This helped me create the best ice breaker into normal conversation ever. Realizing that if two people are both happy at the same time in the same moment in space then it is all good. My eighth grade teacher Mr. Botha taught me how to really let my imagination fly in writings and this really helped me be happy with whatever words came out of my mouth. Not really thinking too much about the words and meanings, just happy to be in conversation with another soul that is listening and interacting back with expression body language and thought. A quick side tangent about language. If you think about it, all language is made up. Whichever first civilizations of earth that were able to make sounds with their vocal cords and then match sounds with symbols are the original jesters of the world. Fascination in sound is what created language. People wrote down symbols, organized them into groups, then numbers, then alphabets and word…. Sentences are what hold word together. English is derived form a lot of different languages, a few including Latin, Spanish and tribal roots. The Greek alphabet is a good place to start because the many of the symbols are very common to us all. There are a lot of angles, circles and symmetry in most of the letters. So in theory, the English language and all language is just voice sounds that have emotion. The lertetrs in bewteen the middle of the words do not necessarialy matter beuacse the message is still passed through the tone in the voice itself. I was helping my mom with some of her homework and she helped me realize that hey, Say my very excellent MoM Just Sits Upon Numerous Plentiful childrens books because she studied her genius brain off to get her masters in Child Development and shared with me that run on sentences just connect the song between the constanentes and Vowels A E I O U and Y all are notes and cords. Their sounds hold all the rest of the (c ) constants together. Think about the first pure note sounds our ancestors would hear. I think of some sort of whistle. A Note of some constant hum, a pitch. So the first ancestor (evolution – think first amphibian in dino age or something way back. Then think of birds we hear everyday.) to put vocal cords in action and match the pitch of the sound to voice created language. One sound is all we really need to get someone’s attention today. A simple honk on the horn, tap on the shoulder, eye attention, waving at someone with a smile :o) is all we need to twirl around and focus on whatever is getting our attention. It is usually because they want to tell you something. Going to address the and Y real quick. . (Y is like a cat’s meow. The question whY(no one really knows for sure so we make good s hit up on the fly s), keeping us all together ~Meow! It also sounds like a long I sound. So Y is sometimes an I but also can hold a long vowel sound [YIP]-PIE!! {YEE}-haw. So Y in combination with a short vowel becomes the Long Vowel Stem of the Song we Are singing to Eachother everyday through language.) So language as a whole was first created through all as Human Beings (C) should) my first semester of college. After going through this class, my brain will never stop working till I die. Communication 110 has helped me improve my public speaking skills by tenfold overall and more in some specific places. Some of the places where I can tell there is a huge difference in how I carry myself is when I talk to friends in everyday life, my organizational skills, and listening skills. This class made me a better speaker, listener and understander. I now can carry on an extremely intelligent conversation with a group of friends without missing a point or having to backtrack in order to get facts right. One of the most important things in life is the people surrounding you. There would be no point to life if other beings did not socialize with one another. This class greatly helped me to be able to really fully understand one’s real point and formulate an intelligent rebuttal to their argument. This sounds somewhat lame, but I never really had conversations with people till now. I mean I would have a conversation but not really understand why or care so what I said back would not really matter and add nothing to the conversation. Now I can listen to someone’s point, think about the point in general and then how I can relate it to real life or my own life and then spit back at them a quick clever point of my own to actually add to the conversation. So far this has helped my greatly in finding real down to earth people that share qualities of my own with their lifestyle. It has helped me find some really cool friends and I have met some girls as well. Another way that communication 110 has helped me talk to people is I can now really tell how a person is going to act, or how that person carries themselves (swagga). This is extremely helpful because I can avoid situations in which that person is going to do or say something that I really do not agree with and instead of getting into an argument I can avoid that person all together. This taught me to organize my life according to the people that I really value the most. Communication 110 has taught me a lot of organizational skills. Organization can be the death to some students. Especially students that are extremely disorganized because they tend to lose assignments, get off track, and work slow. This class helped me to keep my things in order. Shortly into this class I realized that I need to organize my school work in order to succeed. Being organized helped me so much as a student I started to organize my entire life. Starting with my room then going to my social life and everything. Good organization can help one to succeed in life and live it out to the fullest extent. It is so much better to know where everything is and how it works so when it comes time to use some random item, though or friend one can just simply look directly where it needs to be and find it without hassle. Life without hassle would be awesome, and I say would because life itself is a huge hassle. Living everyday can be tough enough, with good organization one can take a large portion of this hassle out of life. Life without hassle would just be an undying ecstasy of enjoyment. I look forward to the day when I can just relax somewhere beautiful and truly enjoy life without daily bullsh*t. It would be nice if that were the case for everyone, but a lot of people can only live fake lives with no enjoyment. I think if everyone just listened to their inner self and pursue their true wants in life. “Im gunna do just what I want, lookin’ ahead no turnin’ back. If I fall, if I die know I lived it to the fullest. If I fall, if I die know I lived and missed some bullets.” This quote by Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi really illustrates my point of view on life. He means that he is going to live his live without worrying about how things turn out doing things without regrets. This does not mean that he has no conscious and doesn’t care about anything; it means that he has enough confidence in the world to not care how things turn out because everything works out eventually. And he can have confidence in himself because he knows he lived his life to the fullest at the end of it all. About the missing bullets in life part, he basically personifies the bullets to be parts of life strewn at him that wanted to turn his course of life, but since he missed some bullets he still did what he wanted and lives life to the fullest. Living life to the fullest means not wasting time and energy finding lost things or wasting time with the wrong people and organization can greatly help with life. Listening is also extremely important because hearing something goes a lot further in depth then understanding the words. Listening to someone fully can bring out many different emotions and feelings toward the speaker. It is also just respectful to listen to someone because they are not just wasting energy on pointless talking, the meaning behind the words is what I look for when I am listening so that I can respond and relate their meaning to the overall meaning of the conversation. Communication taught me this skill of listening to not only understand but understand the meaning and also formulate new meanings and thoughts. Good listening can also form bonds between people because if you each mutually respect each other while listening not only good conversation is produced, you feel as if you and the other person just created something awesome with just words and meaning. One thing I tried out to try and make me a better listener is repeating back what I heard just to clarify any points the speaker was trying to make. This also gives them a chance to correct any fallacies that they made. Doing this really heightened my level of communication because for once the person I was listening to actually felt respected and important all because I was being a good listener. I can somewhat relate this to speech days in class when audience members showed up to class only to sit through an hour of speeches. When I gave my speeches I did not really feel like I got the class’s full attention so that almost made me feel like they did not care about my topic. I think that is when I started to rush my words because I did not feel like I should be standing in front of the class talking. One more way this class helped me become a better listener is I realized that everyone had to do the same assignment I had to do. Maybe some people put more work into it than others, but everyone worked hard and deserves the full attention of the class. I honestly would not even do the assignment if I felt that no one even cared a little bit about my speech. Gladly we had a pretty good group of people in this class so that was not a real problem. Communication has taught me many life values throughout the one semester course. I became a better speaker, listener and understander and will always benefit from this class. I know I got a little off topic with the life lessons, but isn’t that the most important thing in life? Learning how life really folds together on one huge spider web timeline is what I learned overall from the first semester at ISU. Up until now I have not realized how important communication is in the world and how all of life now is based off of communication. If businesses wanted to exceed at what they do, they should enroll all their employees in this class so they can learn the same lessons about how to listen to understand, fit ideas together, and finally proclaim what they really want in life. I know what I want out of life, I just do not know or understand how it will all piece together and then fall apart graciously in the end. I’m on the pursuit of happiness.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 11:34:45 +0000

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