Starting today, late this afternoon, Dewey County will have early - TopicsExpress


Starting today, late this afternoon, Dewey County will have early voting satellite offices available in the Tribal Office. Its a little late in the game but the Dewey County Commissioners were cooperative. The hold up was Jason Gant, SD Secretary of State, who tried to find many reasons to not allow satellite offices when its been statistically proven it works. Is this why? Dewey County (thats us)!went from 54% in 2008 to 62% in 2012. Buffalo County went from 55% to nearly 75%. Convenient early voting was a big factor in those increases. 2 of the 3 largest increases statewide (most counties actually went down). I was having a conversation a few days ago with my good friend Oj Semans, who finds himself in court more often than not suing uncooperative County Offices. He pointed out that if we remove the obstacles, remove any excuses to say no -staff, money, buildings, processes, etc - there is no reason left to deny. So it does beg the question? Is it because we are Lakota or Democrats? Either way, Shame on you South Dakota for allowing such behavior! Shame on you Jason Gant, for not having the courage to stand up and serve all people of South Dakota! The right to vote is ours and you should want that for us. In the 21st Century why are we still fighting about a citizens right to vote, or providing access to voting? Why would you want a citizen of the United States denied their right to participate in an election? You may think we are just citizens of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe but I am a SD Citizen and a Citizen of the United States so dont think I am going to be overlooked. My friend once told me that South Dakota is considered the Civil Rights Battleground of the 21st Century. Honestly, I was shocked and saddened to hear that news. When I ran for political office in 2010 a whole new world opened up to me and I am happy I lost that campaign because my path was determined. There is something greater to fight for; changes we need to make and I want to be a part of making those changes. Through this work I have met some of the most amazing and passionate people - people who are fighting the good fight! You have educated and inspired me. Because of you I will not surrender.......Its the right thing to do.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 18:20:23 +0000

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