Starting today this will be the list my kids follow in cleaning - TopicsExpress


Starting today this will be the list my kids follow in cleaning their room. Apparently, they never fully understood what we expected. How To Clean Your Room Equipment needed: Two bags or boxes, Cleaning cloths, Fresh bed sheets and pillow cases, Vacuum cleaner Steps: First open blinds and put on some great music…. 1. Prepare to sort stuff: Mark one box/bag “Trash” and the other “Return” 2. Pick up all trash: Start at the door and work to your right. Pick up all trash and put it in the “Trash” bag/box. Open drawers as you work and look for trash that should be thrown away. Close each drawer afterward. Once you’ve worked your way around the room, look under your bed and gather all trash. Look in your closet for trash, too. Now, set the full bag outside your bedroom door. 3. Find everything that belongs in another room. Do this just as you did with the trash — starting at the door and working toward the right, then under your bed and in your closet. Things that belong elsewhere include dishes, water glasses, bath towels, your siblings’ toys. Put these in the bag marked “Return”. When you’re finished gathering these things, put this bag outside your bedroom door, too. 4. Put away things that are on the floor. Toys belong in the toy box, on shelves, or wherever your parent(s) have told you they belong. If there are dirty clothes on the floor, put them in the laundry hamper or take them to the laundry room. Clean clothes should be hung up or folded and put away in your dresser. Shoes should go in your closet or wherever your parent(s) have told you they belong. Did you find more trash or other items to return? Put them in the proper bag outside of your door. 5. Put away the things on your desk, dresser and nightstand. If you like to keep books on your nightstand, stack them neatly. Jewelry belongs in a jewelry box or wherever your parents have told you to put it. Put toys away, too. This includes games, coloring books, puzzles, crayons, markers and the like. Continue working until all of the flat surfaces in your room are neat and tidy. 6. Start dusting. Get one cleaning cloth very, very lightly wet. This will help it pick up dust. Now, starting at the door of your room and working to the right, wipe off the top of each piece of furniture (desk, dresser, shelves, nightstand, etc.). Pick things up as you work and wipe the surface underneath them. Don’t forget to wipe the windowsills, too! 7. Clean the glass. If your parent(s) say you’re old enough to do it yourself, spray your mirror with a little of the glass cleaner. Use a dry, fresh cleaning cloth to wipe the mirror from top to bottom until all smudges and streaks are gone. 8. Change your sheets. Pull the bedspread and sheets off of your bed. Don’t pull off the mattress pad, though! Take the pillowcase off the pillow. Now, put the new sheets and pillowcase on and make your bed as your parent(s) have taught you. Smooth the bedspread in place when you’re done, and arrange a few stuffed animals on top of your bed if you like. Put the dirty sheets outside your bedroom door. 9. Start vacuuming. By now there should be NOTHING on your floor that doesn’t belong there. So, if your parent(s) say you’re old enough, it’s now time to vacuum your floor. Remember: never use the vacuum to pick up coins, puzzle pieces, Lego’s or other such objects. It’s only for dirt, dust and pet hair! Begin vacuuming at the door and work your way around your room from right to left. You’re finished vacuuming when you’ve covered every inch of the floor. 10. Time to finish up! Wrap the vacuum’s electric cord back on the prongs neatly. Put it outside of your door. Take your dirty sheets to the laundry room or hamper. Take the Trash bag to the garbage can. Go through the bag marked “Return” and take each item to the room where it ought to go. Don’t just toss the item in there — put it where it belongs! 11. Congratulations, you’re done! That probably seemed like a lot of work, but once you get the hang of cleaning your room it really will go faster. Now that you are in charge of this chore, you should try to make less work for yourself by putting things away instead of throwing them all over the place, right?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 18:14:38 +0000

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