Statement Issued by Detained Ethiopian Muslim Community’s - TopicsExpress


Statement Issued by Detained Ethiopian Muslim Community’s Arbitration Committee About 1,400 years ago, Ethiopia had been able to establish a just order far better than the order that the 21st century society has established. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) aptly described the then Abyssinian (Ethiopian) King as, “a King in whose realm no one is wronged.” The degree of fairness, truthfulness and civility one must exhibit to establish a just system worthy of such Prophetic praise is obvious. The just system that had been in place at that time in this land of ours was able to provide a safe haven for those [persecuted early Muslims] who were in dire need of a place of freedom and justice, thus transcending the bounds of time. However, the tragic situation that we are currently in would compel us to inquire: “Why is our country, which had been the flagship of justice at a time when people had limited awareness, turning a blind eye when the prevailing thrust in the rest of the world is towards democracy and justice?” Justice is a deeper truth that unravels the secret of our humanness thus demanding everyone to realize it for the benefit of all (fellow creatures) regardless of time, space and situation, and without discrimination based on religion, country of origin or ethnic background. Although the notion of Justice is upheld both by worldly and divine laws, unfortunately, injustice and oppression are rampant in the real world today. Oppression that used to be openly perpetrated as a policy by tyrants in the past is being committed by modern day tyrants who at the same time preach justice, freedom and equality, thus making the lives of their people more miserable. Although the [Ethiopian] government frequently speaks on the media and every conference about justice and democracy, the reality on the ground is extremely hard to believe. While it (the government) is actually committing inhumane excesses that dictators at any era commit, it tries to justify its actions under the pretext of “guarding the morals, laws and positive values that the public cherishes.” Our compatriots who demanded for the respect of justice and freedom are either incarcerated or dead or forced into exile. It is very ironic that these excesses are perpetrated in the name of upholding public moral, positive values and the laws of the land. The Ethiopian people and the international community know that the demands the Muslim community made to the government through their representatives are clear, simple religious and constitutional rights. However, the government, pretending to be more Catholic than the Pope, and as if it is the only entity that worries for the nation’s security and peace and presenting itself as the sole guardian of the constitution, has tried to distort our legitimate demands. The constitution is mainly an instrument meant to prevent the government from abusing its power. Hence the people need the constitution far more than the government to protect their rights and assure peace and justice, while limiting the government’s ability to abuse its power. Hence, it is the government rather than the people that is prone to violate the constitution since it has the means and the power to do so. Although we knew that the government was well aware from the outset that the Muslim community’s demands have no hidden motives, we made our goal and demands clear to all in a timely manner in a bid to avoid undue confusion. In spite of this, however, the government that was supposed to promote peaceful co-existence among different nationalities and religions was, and still is, engaged in efforts to incite intra-Muslim as well as inter-religion violence. This dangerous and ignominious move could only be foiled with the maturity and moral strength of our people. The matured stance adopted by the dignified people of Ethiopia vis-à-vis the Muslim community’s rights movement was worthy of praise. This mature public response has successfully reversed the government’s ill attempt that could have led Muslims and Christians into conflict, and reasserted our peoples’ capability to maintain their long-standing peaceful co-existence through their farsightedness. The day when this glorious phenomenon will be related and passed on to posterity as part of our history won’t be long.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:39:48 +0000

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