Statement on the National Stance The National Democratic - TopicsExpress


Statement on the National Stance The National Democratic Opposition powers’ vision to resolve the political crisis in Bahrain 26 July, 2013 The kingdom of Bahrain is going through an important historical moment as the political and economic situation is experiencing a remarkable deterioration due to the increasing pace of the security solution. As the regional circumstances are vague, the lack of any political solution in the region will not help Bahrain to resolve its political crisis and will not help to establish a state of justice and equality. In such a critical historic moment, our national sense of responsibility obliges us to outline a national road map that lays the foundations for the homeland. First: Justice, equality and political partnership: We believe in justice, equality and partnership for citizens. They are the key factors of any political solution in Bahrain. We also believe that any solution based on personal interests, in favor of a family or a sect, will have a destructive impact on the homeland and will be ineffective. Therefore, we strongly believe that all parties, as we strive in the opposition and urg those in the authority or their allys, should consider the national interest that can be realized by national justice and equality. All citizens should be given their full political, economic and social rights and the system should be established according to equal rights in a civil state, the constitution, and the law with the constitution designed accordingly. Second: The political demands Bahrain has been experiencing a constitutional crisis since the freezing of 1973 constitution and then the same crisis has been deepened by the unilateral release of the 2002 constitution. On 14th February, 2011, a spontaneous popular movement took to the streets at the same time as the Arab spring was crossing many Arab countries. Masses took part in the popular movement to continue a series of uprisings that have raised the same demands that have been raised for decades previously. The mass movement raised rights that are guaranteed by all international covenants , establishing a state that is based on justice and dignity for all and crucially democracy has been the key popular dmand. The situation in Bahrain has long suffered from constitutional setbacks as the people’s will has been long been ignored and marginalized. These setbacks have worryingly resurfaced lately; citizen’s identities and dignities have been at risk more than at any previous anytime. Horrible discrimination, naturalization, financial corruption, moral downfall, low standards of living, absence of a decent life, stealing the public money- lands, beaches and all state’s properties have been stolen and many destructive plans like Bandar plot . Such setbacks created an intolerable situation in Bahrain. Despite the authority’s efforts backed by supportive international powers to mislead the international community, the Bahraini people have gained the trust of the reasonable people in the world. It became clear to the world that the people of Bahrain are suffering oppression and lack representation. Moreover, they are deprived from demanding their rights and instead faced brutal suppression with their rights brutally violated. The popular demands of the people of Bahrain are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is already ratified by the Government of Bahrain, which says in article 21 item 1: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country directly or through freely chosen representatives. 2: Everyone has the right of equal access public service in his country. 3: the will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of the government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free vote procedures In addition to, what is mentioned in the two international covenants acceded by the Government of Bahrain. Third: The resolution is for all Bahrainis: The resolution to end the crisis in Bahrain, which has been offered by the opposition and other national figures from all factions of the Bahraini society, is meant to be for all Bahrainis without any exceptions. The resolution offers no predominance for any party, whereas all Bahrainis are equal and any consensus will be reached according to the international covenants and according to a constitutional and legal procedure that shall offer a real resolution to all Bahrainis, which will help realize a harmonious homeland that integrates all Bahrainis. The opposition have presented its political vision through the Manama Document, in which they stressed on several key factors to reach a resolution which are: Fair representation comes from an elected government, freely elected legislative power with full power of legislative and regulatory authorities. Fair electoral constituencies coming out of a fair electoral system based on one vote for one citizen, security for all and impartial and independent judiciary. Fourth: Political not Security Solution The regime has continued, for a period up to thirty months, to use a hard-line security route using tools of repression and intimidation since the beginning of the people’s movement in February 2011. The regime recruited all the country’s capabilities and institutions in the service of the security device aggressively facing peaceful people demanding their rights. The people lost trust in the country’s official institutions; there is no confidence especially regarding judiciary, security services and military, not forgetting media. They were followed by the lack of trust in all educational institutions and health services which were turned into tools in service of the security solution. The BICI Report documented tens of thousands of violations across only three months. This was only what was documented not including others undocumented. After the BICI report even greater violations followed, which was continuous for 30 months and until now. In order to get Bahrain out of this crisis. The security route adopted by thr regime must be stopped and exchanged with a political solution based on partnership and not singling out the solution. Fifth: We need conciliatory not provocative media The state enlisted all of its institutions and official media, financed by the system, to develop more media arms to promote lies and work non-stop to peddle the myth of sectarian strife. Their work lacking professional values and media ethics; they practice all descending roles both morally and socially with a complete cover from the regime. This created the animosity equation with the people and built significant barriers in the face of any glimpse of hope or confidence in the existing authority. Sixth: Peaceful Demonstrations and protests The people’s mass popular movement in Bahrain is carried out peacefully, since day one. The people adopted the slogan (peace) in all their movements and protests. This peaceful movement was faced brutally by repression, collective punishment, murder shots and being run over by cars. They used torture, kidnap, attacking women, demolishment of mosques, house raids and more, but the movement of the people stayed as peaceful as it had started. Some of the citizens reacted to these attacks with some nature of violence, but these actions did not take mass levels. The opposition expressed its rejection and condemnation to these forms of drifts and remains on the position in rejecting violence by any party and emphasizes the peaceful option, which is still the salient feature of the rallies and public demonstrations that have been ongoing for more than 30 months. Seventh: The full readiness for any real political program The national democratic opposition forces announced their response to all calls for a political solution since the beginning of the movement, starting with the first initiative of the Crown Prince on March 13th, which included the seven principles. They encouraged all thoughts and proposals from inside and outside the country to resolve the crisis through a genuine democratic political solution. They responded to the first national consensus dialogue despite the absence of all elements of success, it was not serious and cannot even be described as a dialogue. Then they responded to the call for a second dialogue, which missed the essence of real success. They dealt with the fact-finding committee with utmost professionalism and provided it with everything they can from services. They responded to the call for meetings from the Minister of Justice. All this reveals the keenness and insistence of the opposition on a political solution, which transmits Bahrain to a new reality providing the country with a real political system that comes from the will of the people. Therefore the response remains available to any real project for a political solution that provides justice and democracy for Bahrainis. Any solution otherwise will be declined by the opposition forces as it will not have any positive impacts, but will increase the tension and discontent on the system and its policies Eighth: Several Messages: To homeland partners: Over long decades of pro-democracy struggle, no one from the National Democratic Opposition Parties has demanded something for self-interest or narrow benefits. Political demands in the Nineties had produced solutions for all, as they were rightful and legitimate. Today, the demands of Bahraini people are about achieving justice, democracy and dignity. Such political demands are patriotic, inclusive and for the sake of all, regardless of race, sect and tribe. They aren’t exclusive for any one group in particular; rather they lend to a country that is eager to move to democracy, justice, political, economic and social sustainable stability. They are not to seize rights of a certain group of citizens. They are to equally grant full bill of rights to all citizens. These demands represent the ultimate future for any country that suffers underdevelopment, backwardness, tyranny and unfair distribution of wealth. It is the inevitable breakthrough to respond to the aspirations of the people and their demands to change. Thus, the National Democratic Opposition Parties emphasize their adherence to an inclusive and patriotic political solution, which is capable to strengthen the unity of our nation; based on principles of justice and equality in rights and obligations. To brothers and sisters in GCC: Bahrain is an Arab and Islamic state. We are integral part of the GCC system. We coexist with love as sons and daughters of one region, and are linked by close historical bonds that are based on religion, language, history, common cultures, customs and interrelated traditions. Because each nation has its own demands and issues, Bahrain current events reflect an urgent need to Bahrainis, in which demands are merely raised to achieve basic human rights, social justice and real democracy. To Arab and Islamic countries: Bahrain is a part of the big Arab homeland. It belongs to the Islamic world and we are proud to be part of it. It is a message to all fragments of our Arab and Islamic worlds; regimes, parties, organizations, nations. Here, in this part of the world, there are people who actively struggle to achieve rightful and legitimate demands, which are granted by all international covenants and clearly illustrated in justice, dignity, democracy, human rights and freedom of expression. We don’t have self-interest demands. All we demand is to live free, human, enjoying dignity and justice in which the people must be the source of all powers; ending a long time of tyranny, authoritarianism and the absence of real state. As per this vision, we call on all Arab and Islamic nations, and their political powers to support our rightful demands. To the international community specially big countries: The people of Bahrain demand the democracy you are enjoying in your countries. Due to their pro-democracy struggle, the people are subjected to brutality and repression. Although we don’t accept anybody to intervene in our national affairs, you bear a moral and ethical responsibility for flagrant violations of human rights that are happening in Bahrain. This responsibility means you must support the legitimate demands of the people, as they are matching with your democratic and human rights values. These are the demands of the people of Bahrain who are subjected to brutality in front of your eyes
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 11:56:49 +0000

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