Statism Part III: The Matrix (Molyneux) (12 minutes) – - TopicsExpress


Statism Part III: The Matrix (Molyneux) (12 minutes) – YOUTUBE youtube/watch?v=P772Eb63qIY 9/11 Ripple Effect Dismantles and challenges the mainstream story weve been told about 9/11. A Peoples History of American Empire youtube/watch?v=Arn3lF5XSUg An animated 8 minute video summarizing Howard Zinn’s ideas of American imperialism. Blackwater: Shadow Army youtube/watch?v=nqM4tKPDlR8 Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill covers the role Blackwater private mercenaries play in the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the U.S. The Shock Doctrine youtube/watch?v=aSF0e6oO_tw How has the world population been shocked into obedience? Spychips youtube/watch?v=mrITx7_tTT0 Activist Katherine Albrecht discusses the dangers of RFID chips which are affixed to consumer products and could be put on cash and implanted in humans to create the ultimate surveillance of all human activity. Verichip and North American Union youtube/watch?v=jB_dD2BsZro Discusses the many actions being taken to form One World Government-- such as the formation of the North American Union, regional currencies, and RFID chips. The Orion Conspiracy – “fiction” video from France vimeo/8891728 The Bush - Nazi Connection brasschecktv/page/263.html Agenda 21 youtube/watch?v=TzEEgtOFFlM&feature=player_embedded Vinnie Paz – End of Days and David Icke – music video Rap youtube/watch?v=ZnhjNzlJzPg&feature=player_embedded Icke with Jordan Maxwell youtube/watch?v=gRTS-Zsd6ZM&feature=player_embedded#! The Meaning of Austerity youtube/watch?v=jUmQbf1AyA8 Ex-CIA officer explains demise of NWO youtube/watch?v=ofaL2fAFNCM Oklahoma city barometric bombs brasschecktv/page/407.html Peter Joseph – Social Pathology vimeo/10707453 Monsanto – Patent for a Pig youtube/watch?v=4-ouf_gmA5o Alex Jones breaks down Lieberman/McCain dissenters bill brasschecktv/page/827.html FAST Coming to an Airport near YOU! - Future Attribute Screening Technology: The Machine That Reads (Malintent) Minds! youtube/watch?v=4wqooBmYfQ4&feature=player_embedded Ron Paul – Take out the CIA brasschecktv/page/808.html Al Qaeda doesn’t exist How the CIA make up a bogey man brasschecktv/page/59.html NWO march on July 4 youtube/watch?v=3Lxcq8fGY9w US in Haiti – Military, not aid brasschecktv/page/793.html Illumicorp Video fiction We Are Change confronts Dick Cheney Stand Down 9/11 Norm Mineta testifies on Cheney stand down youtube/watch?v=ctr9rA4d88c&feature=player_embedded#at=13 Fox News: US Govt Escorted Underwear Bomber Through Security Without a Passport youtube/watch?v=J_k6lhuC2ms&feature=player_embedded US Government to Europe: Give This to Your People Or There Will be Some Pain youtube/watch?v=-RxU7YustxM&feature=player_embedded#! STASI cold war on its own citizens brasschecktv/page/995.html 7/7 Ripple Effect livevideo/video/CTCC/A4C62936F0294BE4BD69B7E235E65B67/7-7-ripple-effect.aspx 7/7 Ripple Effect Yemen – false flag – Alex Jones brasschecktv/page/962.html Yemen terror false flag – Obama youtube/watch?v=mcGdRW6r18M&feature=player_embedded Amazing speech by war veteran brasschecktv/page/797.html Germany and Sweden try to drive Latvia and Estonia beyond Social Democracy into feudalism brasschecktv/page/721.html Russo interview on Nick Rockefeller conversation youtube/watch?v=7nD7dbkkBIA&feature=related Rothschild, Israel Supreme Court, Pyramid youtube/watch?v=YjFDQJranVk youtube/watch?v=1e0LB1GWtak&feature=related George Carlin and Bill Hicks tell it like it is youtube/watch?v=sQ3xxwQvVnE Debt Slave youtube/watch?v=I9q1oeMcoL0 Alex Jones on Sports as distractions for warrior manhood youtube/watch?v=x_47eLGkA_I David Rothschild regrets Global Governance is tough to activate in Copenhagen youtube/watch?v=mtudNpL30BU&feature=related Obama and Rockefeller, the New World Order Connection. part 1 youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_dZI2d_cZIQ Rompuy oh Global governance youtube/watch?v=hXWeOa-FuyM&feature=player_embedded Trichet on Global Governance youtube/watch?v=yy3s9tcSy50&feature=player_embedded Monckton on Copenhagen establishing Global Government youtube/watch?v=KY9agL519pA&feature=related Dr. Laibow on Globlist agenda, WHO and de-population (genocide) youtube/watch?v=_gWmVtn5JsA Jim Cramer says on TV that the Bavarian Illuminati are not all bad youtube/watch?v=LRWO68cU8TQ&feature=player_embedded EU President Rompuy declaring global Governance (at 1:26) youtube/watch?v=2fI28DcXRHw&feature=player_embedded# Incremental Martial Law brasschecktv/page/605.html If I was a terrorist. School of the Americas (counter-intelligence training, assassinations, torture): brasschecktv/page/204.html Ex Illuminati youtube/watch?v=Oohv17NTLi8&mode=related&search NWO from the mouths of the Elite youtube/watch?v=lkKbE9qCzQo&mode=related&search= Vaccinations or jail livevideo/video/E525D77A26694E3CA1C77E2DE8FD539C/parents-must-immunize-their-ch.aspx?lastvcid=404113 Concentration camps in US libertyforlife/jail-police/us-concentration_camp-locations.htm Hutto Concentration Camp - CCA brasschecktv/page/281.html Bush – New World Order/ UN youtube/watch?v=FcjAOqmRcs0&eurl=brasschecktv/page/215.html Skull & bones on 60 Minutes prisonplanet/articles/december2007/121807_daddy_bush.htm Naomi Wolf on Fascism in 10 Steps youtube/watch?v=RjALf12PAWc Naomi Wolf – End of America brasschecktv/page/177.html Naomi Wolf on American Coup and Give Me Liberty youtube/watch?v=_XgkeTanCGI Kennedy warning on Secrecy brasschecktv/page/209.html Okalahoma City Bombs = controlled demolition brasschecktv/page/232.html Scott Ritter before Iraq on the End of America brasschecktv/page/114.html Scott Ritter – Intelligence cycle, independent thinking brasschecktv/page/285.html Scott Ritter on Influence of Israel on US Policy brasschecktv/page/113.html Scott Ritter, Nuclear retaliation if we attack Iran brasschecktv/page/365.html CIA Plane crashes in Yucatan with 4 tons of Cocaine brasschecktv/page/245.html Homegrown Terrorism Bill and freedom of speech brasschecktv/page/248.html Plans for invading Iran brasschecktv/page/171.html Cheney and David Rockefeller brasschecktv/page/256.html Kidnapped boys for paedophile ring youtube/watch?v=oW9b_uvPCg0&feature=related Oakland military Exercise against Domestic Terrorists propagandamatrix/articles/february2008/020408_shoot_americans.htm James Casbolt – Underground bases, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, military abductions New World Order, CFR, Obama, Clinton, Bush youtube/watch?v=_9P15YZrnv0 Burrell caught lying about Di’s death on hidden camera Bush – Dictator, Martial Law etc. – Ron Paul brasschecktv/page/282.html One world Government, Cronkite, Hillary youtube/watch?v=IrhHRC9XWMQ Shock Doctrine – Naomi Klein brasschecktv/page/152.html CIA drug running prisonplanet/articles/may2008/052908_drug_smuggling.htm Who killed John Kennedy Jr. brasschecktv/page/182.html HAARP Rothkopf on “Superclass” prisonplanet/articles/may2008/050108_elitist_blueprint.htm Brad Sherman on martial law threats youtube/watch?v=HaG9d_4zij8 Martial Law and Military Dictatorship in America youtube/watch?v=gMivKgZp-0U “Paulson and Illuminati: cnbc/id/15840232?video=902540383 Princeton hacks Diebold liveleak/view?i=256_1199301957 Kennedy on Secret Societies metacafe/watch/374938/john_f_kennedy_speech_on_secret_societies/ Overpopulation myth youtube/watch?v=zBS6f-JVvTY&feature=player_embedded Dr. John Coleman – The Committee of 300 wideeyecinema/?p=269 Big Pharma’s Eugenics Past – Alex Jones – Gardasil, human testing etc. youtube/watch?v=tohB_9ehAD8 POLICE STATE Drones over America youtube/watch?v=2tHk9Q3Fv6g Police Officers Go All Out to Stop You from Filming Even if The Cops Have to Arrest You youtube/watch?v=NhE5Zj5WLgk&feature=player_embedded Surveillance hummingbird youtube/watch?v=96WePgcg37I&feature=player_embedded Sound weapon noise youtube/watch?v=0SwBU1DOO_Q&feature=player_embedded#t=54 LA Police gun raid on Raw Food store youtube/watch?v=ifvp3Fxi7Uo&feature=player_embedded#! Is US a police state? – Paul Craig Roberts youtube/watch?v=T2TEhMyRmZg&feature=player_embedded Man arrested for filming at airport activistpost/2011/01/tsa-confrontation-video-used-in-lawsuit.html WEARECHANGE schools riot police in Pittsburgh on Constitution + Sound weapon youtube/watch?v=puh4ijP6lwE&NR=1 Agents busting into home without a warrant opednews/articles/Terrifying-Video--I-Don-t-by-Rob-Kall-100404-260.html Audio of woman who was terrorized for refusing full body scan at airport brasschecktv/page/972.html DISTURBING VIDEO OF UK POLICE TAKING 13 YEAR OLD CHILD FROM FATHER BY FORCE. youtube/watch?v=EEUb9ZR_UD4&feature=player_embedded#! Mexico to biochip illegal immigrants prisonplanet/articles/291207Microchip.htm?p=1455 Psychopaths – The Art of Urban Warfare forbiddenknowledgetv/videos/socio-economics/the-art-of-urban-survival.html
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:59:57 +0000

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