Statism argument: If theres no government, who will deal with the - TopicsExpress


Statism argument: If theres no government, who will deal with the criminals? There is no justice in the Justice System, or in government in general. Its all just a bureaucratic theater meant to intimidate and subjugate poor, under-educated people in a maze of convoluted rhetoric and arbitrary neurotic regulation while the REAL criminals- politicians, bankers, the NSA, CIA, TSA, IMF, corrupt police, pedophiles in government, and the Federal Reserve (to name just a few who set the tone for society at large)- get away with little (if any) consequence, and little mainstream media attention. Why? Because all those officials in suits are just psychopaths or pathological authoritarian followers, and theyre the biggest criminals on the planet, and they rarely persecute their own. Otherwise they would turn on each other to save their own skin and the whole system would collapse. If there were no government, society, on the whole, would be much healthier, connected, self-accountable, and less violent. Guaranteed.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 17:10:56 +0000

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