Stay Adjusted, My Friends Have you ever thought about how your - TopicsExpress


Stay Adjusted, My Friends Have you ever thought about how your body actually works? How does your heart know how fast to beat or how much blood to push through your blood vessels? How does your digestive system know what to do with your food? How does your immune system know how to ward off viruses and bacteria and fight cancer? Simple: there is NOT ONE thing that your body can do without the brain and nerve system. The POWER in your brain and spinal cord controls all function and healing in your body at all times. There is not one second in your life that the power in your nerve system is not working to keep you healthy. This makes your nerve system THE most important system in your whole body. It literally keeps you alive and well without you being aware of the trillions of functions going on every second. People come into the office with many different symptoms and/or conditions but our goal is always the same. In order to get well we must optimize the function of the nerve system so that your body can function and heal at 100%. How do we optimize function? By making sure that the spine is fully protecting it. The spine was designed to protect the spinal cord and nerves through its alignment and proper posture. As long as the spine is aligned well it can protect the nerve system and your body can function and heal at 100%. That means that your heart beats properly, your lungs breath properly, your immune system heals you, and your body prevents disease and stays healthy every day. But if the spine loses its proper alignment (subluxation) the POWER in the nerve system is interfered with and your body cannot heal and function properly. Subluxations can exist for years without symptoms but they still interfere with the function of your body and your health because they choke the nerve system and shut the power off. This is why we can focus on correcting the spine and so many people get better even though they have different symptoms (or no symptoms at all). Once interference in the nerve system is removed through a specific adjustment (turning the power on) the body is able to function and heal properly and healing takes place. We know you are well when your spine is fully corrected (through x-ray and examination). Most will feel better long before the spine is fully corrected and some will still have symptoms after correction. When the spine is corrected we know you are well again. But once you are well, your nerve system still needs to function at 100% in order to keep you well (remember, your nerve system controls everything). This is where many people go wrong. They assume that because they feel better or that their original symptom is gone that they no longer need Chiropractic care. Some believe that yoga, stretching, massage or staying active with exercise will maintain their spine. Although these things are very good for you, nothing will maintain the alignment of your spine other than regular Chiropractic checkups. You see, what got you well in the first place keeps you well in the long run. Stopping Chiropractic care will result in future subluxation, degeneration, and nerve interference. All of these things will deteriorate the health and function of the body even though the subluxation may take years to cause symptoms. Of course, anything that keeps you functioning at 100% should be done for a lifetime at ALL ages. We all know that eating well and exercising will get you healthy if you are not well and that continuing to eat well and exercise will keep you healthy. As soon as you stop eating well and exercising your health will deteriorate even if you feel fine (until you’ve totally lost your health). But this is not about how you feel, it’s about keeping you functioning at your full God given potential at all times. Who doesn’t want to be functioning at 100% every day of their life? Our job is to keep your nerve system functioning at 100% for as long as you live. That is why regular Chiropractic care is so important. Our day to day lives place stress on our spines which interferes with our nerve system and leads to poor function and healing. If your body functions and heals poorly for long enough you get sick which eventually leads to disease. Every adjustment ensures that your nerve system is at 100% and that the power is fully on. This will make sure that your heart is beating properly, that your stomach is digesting well and that your immune system is warding off viruses and fighting cancer. This is why we are here to keep you on track with your adjustments. If there’s one thing that you want to make sure of, it’s that the power is fully on at all times! Stay Adjusted, My Friend! Dr. Jeff
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 18:57:10 +0000

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