Stay Motivated To Stay Fit! Most people who begin a workout - TopicsExpress


Stay Motivated To Stay Fit! Most people who begin a workout regimen give up too early and never see the results they desire. They get off to a good start but slowly lose motivation to continue and eventually fall from their routine. There are a few reasons for this. For starters, many people begin with the wrong strategy. This shouldn’t be a problem since there is a world of available information on the subject via the internet. However, it can then get easy to follow a false or ineffective diet and workout plan. The basic formula to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn or burn more calories than you eat. To gain weight, it’s the opposite. If you have the motivation to workout everyday but eat more calories than you’re burning, you’re going to be disappointed. A lack of results or slowed progress can contribute to the loss of desire. Too many people start working out with the expectation of some amazing result in too short of a time span. So when results don’t meet up to their expectations, they get discouraged and quit. Also, expecting your results to stay consistent will just end up disappointing you as well. In the beginning, you may have some great results. You may lose 5-10 pounds your very first week. But as the weeks go by, you will find yourself losing less and less. Not knowing this in advance can be very discouraging when it happens. Be weary of plateaus or comfortable weight. When you start working out, your results will be very encouraging. Your motivation to workout will increase as you see these amazing results. However, sooner or later, you will hit what’s known as a plateau. Athletes experience this all the time. You get to the point where results not only slow down, it actually stops. On another note, reaching a comfortable weight that is not exactly where you want to be but ‘good enough’ leads to a drop in motivation since your reason for working out is no longer strong enough. You may stop working out all together until your body gets to a point where it causes your motivation to workout to increase again and you start to workout again. Holding on to your desire to workout and reach your fitness goals begins with the right mindset. Without it, you will face unnecessary difficulties. Realize that anything worth striving for will be challenging. Go into this with massive determination and focus. If you’re merely interested in working out, it’s going to be difficult to do it long enough for it to be a habit. Your desire to workout and get the body you want has to be greater than any reason that may come up to make you quit. Why do you want it so bad? How would it make you feel if you were as fit and healthy as you’d like to be? The more reasons you have that hit you emotionally, the greater your desire will be. Excuses will come up. Just know that it will and things will be a lot easier. When your motivation to workout is high, your mindset is different. You will get yourself to workout regardless of what’s holding you back. But during those times when your motivation to sleep or do something else is greater than your motivation to workout, you need to be prepared to deal with it by coming up with what you’ll do before it actually comes up. In fact, be prepared to deal with all sorts of obstacles/setbacks. Your progress won’t be a straight diagonal line. It will slow down or even go in reverse at times. You may lose several pounds every week for a few weeks, then lose less for a few weeks, then lose none for a few weeks, and then gain a few pounds for a few weeks. Know that this is normal otherwise your motivation to workout may suffer. You must not think of working out and eating healthy as a temporary fix to being overweight. This is a new lifestyle….one you must adapt to and eventually enjoy. Too often, people will start a workout with the intention of it being a temporary task. In order to make it a habit, you have to go into this with the mentality of staying healthy for life. Yes it is a big decision. You must be willing to sacrifice sitting on the couch all day eating junk food to feel and look the way you dream of. The decision to workout on a regular basis for the rest of your life is one of the best choices you can make. Bottom line, eating healthy, working out, and motivating yourself to both is a daily habit. It all boils down to having the discipline to choose between what you want now and what you want most. Above all else, you must possess a burning desire to succeed. When your desire is strong enough, you’ll find a way to reach your goal no matter what. Once you get there and start seeing dramatic results, your desire to live the old unhealthy lifestyle will fade. You will start to feel better about yourself and your progress and as others begin to notice the difference as well, you will certainly feel like all the hard work is well worth it.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 21:09:30 +0000

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