Step Up 2014..... Life without a cell phone... The Joy and - TopicsExpress


Step Up 2014..... Life without a cell phone... The Joy and Freedom... Did I mention the Frustration :D Wednesdays are so awesome to me... Mid week hump day... Woop Woop we made it this far. My most favorite part are Wednesday nights service. You might be thinking to yourself can a person Really be that excited about going to church?? Ummm... Yeah thats me the big Jesus Freak! I sincerely Love Wednesday night services. Because life and work, kids, general stresses in life are heavy... Mid week service realigns you back to the real focus... Keeping our eyes on Jesus... The Author and Finisher... The Champion who initiates and perfects our faith.... Oh the sweetness and love The Father has for us... Always. Forever. None can fathom it... Yesterday, I was taking one my favorite peeps to court... She is getting her babies back!! She had 2 other people offer her rides to the courthouse but instead I was the Blessed chosen one... handpicked by her. I do not take this fragile friendship for granted and know not the longevity of it... so for now I cherish every bit of what its become. Since I have no way of contacting her while Im serving at His Place on Tuesday we solidify our plans... I am to go to her house at 11 and pick her up. Got it! I will be there with bells and whistles. When I arrive however there is no sign of anyone... Im like this is strange this has never happened before when I scheduled to pick her up.... Of course this happens when I cannot call her to see where shes at.... I decide to drive around her neighborhood to see if she was walking the kids to daycare and just didnt make it back in time. Nope no sign of her anywhere so I drive to His Place church to borrow the phone just my luck there is no one there. I see there are 3 men outside the auto shop next to His Pace. Surely, these will let use their phone... Hey guys how is your day going? They look at me like Im from Mars. Um Ok lets try this again.... Hi good afternoon! Listen do you think I could borrow your phone for just a minute? The men get all uncomfortable kinda do mini circles in place. One at a time they say they dont have phones.... OK like Im that stupid to believe that. Well, ok how about the business phone? Can I borrow that I promise I will be only 2 minutes I have to someone to a very important appointment? Please... Nope the business phone was for business calls only... Man, really is it that crazy our there?? I mean I was dressed relatively conservative.... Hello, Im going to the courthouse... Did they think I was going to make a drug run on that call... Call my pimp.... Make some shady lewd and lascivious phone call... Geesh, the looked me dead in the eyes with no ounce of sympathy but with such disdain... Youd think I just asked to borrow a $1,000 dollars or told them a viscous tale against them... I walked away... Well, angry. As I was walking back to my car through the little dirt alley a black car drove passed me and parked behind one of the buildings. I walked towards the car but didnt get too close the windows were tinted very dark so I could not tell if it was a woman or a man. I Proceeded with caution for my own sake and because didnt want to scare the driver just in case it was a woman. A well dressed man arose out of the car. Sir, I have a problem my phone is not working and I need to borrow a phone. Just for a minute I promise. My friend has a Very Important appointment I need to take her to... Hes just looking at me like you dont need to beg me to borrow my phone. He says to me Oh I saw you walking away form the auto shop place I thought maybe you were having car trouble. I replied Ha that was last week but not today! Im just trying to help a friend out but she wasnt where she said shed be. So Im tying to track her down. He graciously hands me his phone.... ring, ring, ring hey girl where are you? Of course at the Daily Bread.... Sigh. I hand this kind man his phone and he says to I work her if you ever need anything just cmon. There is many good people that work here and would be willing to help you Im sure of it. Awe that was sooo awesome of him!! Humanity was redeemed... I say that with jest :) And so there she is standing outside the Daily Bread looking all beautiful... And stressed out haha... She comes at me with blah blah blah blah... Im like girl you need calm yourself down this a beautiful day ahead of you. She shakes her head and says I just dont understand... Shes right I dont understand I havent walked in her shoes. But Im here and willing to be the Hands and Feet of Christ... A Friend. Were off and she couldnt find a sitter for 2 of her kids and the tiny baby still nurses so she cant leave him with anyone. Ok this will be interesting.... We arrive to the courthouse with minutes to spare.... One of the ladies immediately says to her They probably wont let you bring your kids into the courtroom. No problem thats what Im here for. Its time to go in now... I look the kids in the eyes and let them know they cant screw around or make a peep of noise.... We gently walk in like stealth ninjas.... haha you dont see you us here. Really you dont. Quietly sit down and Im holding Mr Teeny Tiny. And were off Let the proceedings begin! My other little buddy holds and buries himself in my shoulder in great anticipation and whispers to me Do you know why were here? I pretend I dont know curious what he will say to me. Oh we are here for the great news Linda but I will let the judge say it not to ruin the surprise. Ok love sshhhh now lets listen up now. Great news indeed with many tears of Joy... What a Beautiful Redemptive Love Story... Today her babies would return to live with their Mommy. And as the Judge said many times in that courtroom Only by the Grace of God.... How that resonates in my ears all the way to the deepest crevices of my soul... By the Grace of God... Only By the Grace of God... And there I was hand picked to witness such redemption. As I was driving home... I had a vision come to my mind... As I drove surrounding my car were legions of angels ready for battle kinda like surging forward. Ugh its hard to explain but it was like they were carrying my car like a hedge of protection that nothing could get through to me. And the river set alongside my view The Father whispers to me It was a beautiful day wasnt It? You see when those men rejected you and would not let you borrow the phone. Immediately I sent someone else who would. Remember my Words I will never leave you nor forsake you. In your time of Need I showed up. And I am blessing you with the opportunity to see the fruits of your labor with your sweet friend that you have been laying your life down for. I see it all my Beloved. Take heart My Love you are planting many Eternal Seeds of Life. This Faith Journey is meant to crucify your flesh that many may see My Glory though your life. Hold fast. Be Still a new thing is jut a breath away. Hold Fast, keep your gaze upon Me. You can Trust Me. Now find My Rest and My Joy and My Peace for this day. Planting Eternal Seeds of Life... church is More than a building... We are living temples of God Church. We are called to be living examples of Gods Word. Be filled with Holy Spirit and let those around you see Jesus through your life. To be in the Presence of The Father... For a quick glimpse... To gaze Upon His Face... May His Face Shine Upon You.... Set Your face like a Flint that none can contain... Radical Faith Journey ❤ One Person at a Time. One Heart at a Time. One Salvation at a Time. Revival Starts with One Person!! The Jesus Revolution ❤ Isaiah 50:6-9 I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting. 7 Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. 8 He who vindicates me is near. Who then will bring charges against me? Let us face each other! Who is my accuser? Let him confront me! 9 It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me. Who will condemn me? Numbers 6: 24-25 May The LORD bless you, and keep you; 25 The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace. Joshua 1: 8-9 God Commissions Joshua This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. 9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Hebrews 12: 1-3 Run with Perseverance Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:12:35 +0000

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