Step by step meditation through illustrated meditation - TopicsExpress


Step by step meditation through illustrated meditation graphics explore link 29. Devote yourself. …… DEVOTION FREES…….269 This second technique is for the feeling type. Why? Because devotion is toward something else and devotion is a blind thing. In devotion the other becomes more important than you. It is a trust. The intellectual cannot trust anybody; he can only criticize. He cannot trust. He can doubt, but he cannot trust And if sometimes some intellectual comes to trust, it is never authentic. First he tries to convince himself about his trust; it is never authentic. He finds proofs, arguments, and when he is satisfied that the arguments help, the proofs help, then he trusts. But he has missed the point, because trust is not argumentative and trust is not based on proofs. If proofs are there, then there is no need of trust. You do not believe in the sun, you do not believe in the sky – you know. How can you believe in the sun rising? If someone asks what is your belief about the sun rising, you do not have to say, ”I believe in it. I am a great believer.” You say, ”The sun is rising and I know it.” No question of belief or disbelief. Is there someone who disbelieves in the sun? There is no one. Trust means a jump into the unknown without any proofs. It is difficult - difficult for the intellectual type, because the whole thing becomes absurd, foolish. First proofs must be there. If you say, ”There is a God. Surrender yourself to God,” first God has to be proven. But then God becomes a theorem - of course proven, but useless. God must remain unproven; otherwise he is of no use, because then trust is meaningless. If you believe in a proven God, then your God is just a theorem of geometry. No one believes in the theorems of Euclid – there is no need, they can be proven. That which can be proven cannot be made a basis of trust. In devotion you surrender yourself completely. And this surrender can be to a god who may not be in the sky or who may be, or to a master who may not be awakened or who may be, or to a beloved who may not be worthwhile or who may be – that is irrelevant. If you can allow yourself to dissolve for the other, you will be transformed. Devotion frees. That is why we have glimpses of freedom only in love. When you are in love, you have a subtle freedom. This is paradoxical because everyone else will see that you have become a slave. If you are in love with someone, those around you will think that you both have become slaves to each other. But you will have glimpses of freedom.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:33:54 +0000

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