Stephen Darrell Wright Allow me to sum up everything for - TopicsExpress


Stephen Darrell Wright Allow me to sum up everything for anyone who is on the fence or cant take a few hours of their day to watch it and continue to think everyone here is nazis. Ill follow up on the holocaust after these few paragraphs about Jewish aggression in the banking system and what not. Please take your time to read all of this, dont just go half way through it and be like muh propaganda like an idiot, because when you start to learn history, you find out that radical Jewish intellectuals (cough cough Zionists, you know, the ones youre starting to realize exist today like the Gaza issue? You see how bad their hasbara bullshit tries to push and justify murdering all those innocents with their bombs.) cause a lot of the societal problems everywhere they go, and then people recognize this and kick them out. Germany is a good example because it is recent, well documented, and often used as a propaganda tool where this information is not provided to you in your history lessons. Germany lost WW1 (A war in which they were not the aggressor: France and England attacked them.) because Jewish controlled corporations and banking institutions within Germany stabbed their host country in the back in return for the Belfour Declaration - that is: Israel. The Jewish corporations sabotaged the German economy and industry, intentionally and brought the Americans into the war. France and England, when they won, worked with the Jewish community to slice up Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. Immediately after the war, an armed revolution started by the Communist Jews sought to take over what was left of Germany, it was defeated by the German Weimar Republic. However, the Republic not last long, the debts incurred on Germany and the troubles of their people especially with inflation, were killing the nation. (Jewish bankers and Businessmen used their positions to buy up everything within Germany - because of their access to non-German currency they could buy property at far below real worth. German people began to outright resent them - These Jews who had been persecuted in Russia and welcomed with open arms in Germany, were now sucking the nation dry.) Now you know all about Hitler coming in and taking power, shifting the government and fixing everything, dealing with the crazy Communists (lead by Jews), bankers and other intellectuals (lead by Jews), and so on and so forth. I dont have to explain also if you watch the documentary and understand that Hitler and Germany did not want war but was basically forced into it, with the superpowers swindled into thinking of Germany as the big bad enemy and causing the horrible war. The war, as you may imagine, rapidly escalates further as France and England declare war on Germany. Note: They declare war on Germany, not the other way around. Hitlers military very quickly steamrolls across France and surrounds the British Army on the mainland. Hitler at this point makes probably the single worst decision in his entire career, and allows the British Army to flee back to England from Dunkirk, under the impression that this show of good faith will allow the British to see that he does not want war. BUT, Churchhill wants this war, he wants Germany ground to dust. This is only exacerbated by the Jews, whom offer guidance to the allied leadership in destroying Germany. Stalin makes his move (or Uncle Joe as Roosevelt and the allies call him.), hes built a thousand airfields along the western border, moving his troops into attack positions, preparing his invasion of Europe. I could go on for a long time about this, I certainly hope a few of you people decide to read this and really try to put this into perspective.. But learning new things that youve been taught for a long time is hard.. But hey, history is written by the victor. This is the history you are NOT taught in school. This is the truth of what happened in World War 2. Hitlers motivations were clear: A reunited German state. Stalins motives were clear: Communist control of all of Europe. Jewish motivations were clear: Creation of an Israeli state in Palestine and the destruction of Germany and her economy, for threatening Jewish stronghold on banking and business. English and French motivations were clear: Stopping Germany before she became too powerful to stop and paid them back for their invasion and gutting of Germany in World War 1. This is just a small inkling of why we do not like Jews, and exactly why even many Jewish people have come to terms with this and reject the Zionist bastards. Its just just that Jews own banks, they own these banks to CONTROL us. They induce inflationary spirals to STEAL from us. They treat us like cattle, they even have a word for it: Goyim. As for the Holocaust, Jewish Dr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Mansce mercilessly and completely debunked the Holocaust in his book Le Silence de Heidegger. Which hasnt seen a rebuttal to this day. His main 10 points are: 1- The evidence gathered by the Zundel trials, especially the Leuchter Report. 2- The fact that only 3.5 million Jews lived in Europe during that period according to the American Jewish Year Book. 3- The evidence presented by professor Robert Faurisson, which the Jews refused to debate in public. 4- Paul Rassiners testimony affirming that he had never heard of gassings during his imprisonment in German concentration camps, only after the war. 5- Henri Roques debunking of the Gerstein Report. 6- The forgery of photos of the last three months of the war with fake captions. 7- The blatant psychological, arithmetical and technical imposture of the 6 million Jews gassed figure. 8- How the Human Rights Movement never expresses opposition to the crimes of Marxism (Jewish-Bolshevism), yet keeps bringing up the 6 million holocausted Jews 9- Why does the modern political paranoia judges the 50 million genocided by the Marxist Jew Lazar Kaganovich and his comrades, among whom was Joseph Stalin, to be somehow inferior to the alleged 6 million exterminated by Adolf Hilter? 10- The work of revisionist historians is perfectly valid, for they will help demystify the incredible hysteria and bad faith that the six million in the gas chambers theme provokes. He also mentions the opinions of Jews opposed to the holocaust ruse like G. J. Burg, Miss Grossmann, Benedit Kautsky, Jacob Timermam and Leon Jick.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:38:00 +0000

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