Still thoroughly disgusted with the mainstream news coverage of - TopicsExpress


Still thoroughly disgusted with the mainstream news coverage of the vet march over this weekend. One person carries a confederate flag, and that seems to be the one thing they focus on. I understand sarah palin and ted cruz were there, but this isnt some partisan issue were talking about, these are the men and women who have sacrificed arms and legs, there on behalf of those who sacrificed more. Why werent any democrat lawmakers also there in support? Had they been, it could have been something to bring them together, and would have been impossible to paint in terms of red vs. blue. You think the vets that made the pilgramage from around the country were more interested in right and left, than they were right and wrong? They were there to protest their being used as political pawns in this whole shutdown debate. And whats even worse is now that its over, the left has for the most part come out against the protests. This is something every american should get behind, regardless of political leaning.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:28:08 +0000

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