Stole this but good read Im starting to think Better Together - TopicsExpress


Stole this but good read Im starting to think Better Together is a giant social experiment, aimed at seeing if you can run the worst political campaign in the history of Scotland, and still win. There can be no other explanation for the past 7 days of this campaign. First we had Alistair Darling have a wee meltdown and essentially concede the debate with his opening speech which was all about dont trust Salmond instead of setting out a vision. Surely after a decent performance in the first debate, Darling should have been feeling confident going in. Instead he was a bumbling idiot whod ran out of ideas, and took to attacking Salmond right off the bat instead of putting forward a positive reason why we should stay in the Union. Weve been told from both sides this referendum is not about Alex Salmond or David Cameron or the SNP or the Tories or anything along those lines. It becomes harder and harder to take that line seriously when Darlings whole opening argument was I dont trust Salmond or the SNP. Vote No. Then the next day we had THAT advert. As good an advert for the Yes campaign as their own advert was the next day. The only thing it truly advertised is how out of touch the Better Together campaign is with the people. Painting the picture that women are so confused by the referendum they cant make up their mind, until they sit and talk to themselves in the kitchen for two minutes and essentially say Change = scary. Vote No. Then we had Jim Murphy having an egg thrown at him in his shouting at people in the streets tour turn into an international incident. While I dont condone the mob mentality that has been present at a few of his gatherings, I also dont condone a guy who headed a committee to try and block this referendum from even happening as some defender of democracy. No-one liked Jim Murphy three months ago when he was known only as a war mongering, expense stealing parasite. Now all of a sudden hes become a martyr because of an egg. It was funny when John Prescott was hit with an egg for being generally disliked in Wales, or when Nick Griffin was hit with an egg for being a racist. The egg throwing, while not exactly the smiley face of people power, is a protest specifically designed to make a statement and humiliate without causing physical harm. And now today we have even more nonsense. Who is thinking these banners up? It is almost as patronising as the advert last week to essentially say So youre thinking of voting Yes? Well you must hate your family and your country if youd so dare to do such a thing. As someone who was undecided for quite a while and gave Better Together as much chance as possible to win my vote, I can only say Im glad I got out early. This nonsense campaign has no vision for the future of Scotland or the United Kingdom. The campaign that tells us of the financial security of a United Kingdom in over £1.3 TRILLION of debt. A campaign that tells us we cant make it on our own, but cant defend the fact that the United Kingdom isnt making it in its current form. A campaign that says its not about politicians or political parties but attacks Alex Salmond and the SNP every day to cover up their drained resource of positive ideas. A campaign that knows the Welfare state is being run dry by Westminster but tells us to vote No to protect our most vulnerable. A campaign that knows there will most likely be an In/Out referendum on the EU in 2017 that would almost certainly see Out win, but tells us we wont be accepted in the EU despite in January 2013, the two professors hired by the UK government to prove Scotland would have lengthy negotiations to re-enter the EU and negotiate independence come back and say actually, we see 18 months as a more than reasonable time frame to negotiate both independence and Scotlands EU position. There is one way to find out how easy or difficult EU entry would be. The Head of State (in this case David Cameron) essentially asks on Scotlands behalf. I wonder why he hasnt done that... Yes Scotland isnt a perfect campaign. They have made mistakes. There are still a good few unanswered questions. Of course, some of these questions are unanswered as Westminster refuses to answer them incase it undermines their campaign. But when were subjected to a vote no due to uncertainties narrative, I ask this. Give me three positive guarantees that a No vote brings. More powers? Name them? More control over tax? Tax powers are essentially a trap where Scotland would be in charge of income tax but not corporation tax which would put Scotland at disadvantage. I beg of the Better Together campaign. Give a positive vision for Scotland as part of the United Kingdom. Were 17 days away and all you have is the ability to insult people and patronise them. Thinking that people can really relate to a dumb person in the kitchen who doesnt want to know about the debate but can make a snap judgement based on... well... what was her decision based on? I need to do whats best for my kids, so I will vote for a guaranteed increase in poverty to protect them. They run out billboards saying the only way you can truly claim you love your family or your country is to vote No and accept growing inequality and child poverty. In a way, if No wins, the Union is still taking a massive bruise. There will be well over a million people who vote for Independence on September 18th, but at the same time, they will also be putting their X in a box which is essentially a vote of no confidence in the current establishment. One of the side effects of this campaign is the failure of Westminster has been exposed to a much larger audience. Were told Austerity is a necessary step and theyre probably right. But who ran up the national debt, making austerity an inevitable consequence? Were told by Alistair Darling that you cant gamble your childrens future with a Yes vote but Alistair, your gambling as Chancellor helped lead the UK to where it is now. I know it wasnt just you personally, but Westminster has gambled the future of the country, failed, and then expects us to all fall in line as the same people attempt in vain to dig us out. The people who have run this country into the ground are so out of touch they think clueless ignorant woman in her kitchen is what the people of Scotland will truly relate to. They think that Vote No or you hate Scotland and your family is somehow going to make people say you know what? I love my family. Balls to the arguments, Ill vote No! Better Together tries to portray the Yes campaign as the home wrecking mistress getting in the way of the happy marriage. When in truth there is no mistress. There is no happy marriage. And we are the unhappy wife who understand change is needed. Im sick of being run by people who think that stupid advert and those stupid billboards resonate with the people of Scotland. Im sick of being run by people who have proved all this week they are so out of touch with Scotland. We can govern ourselves. We can afford to be independent. Even David Cameron begrudgingly admits it. Dont fear change. Embrace it. It wont be easy, but its gonna be worth it. If youre not willing to embrace change right now, just ask yourself. What is the status quo doing for me now? Vote Yes.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 07:44:19 +0000

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