Stop Illegal Aliens! CITIZEN ACTIONS TO TAKE! By: MICE, - TopicsExpress


Stop Illegal Aliens! CITIZEN ACTIONS TO TAKE! By: MICE, Michiganders for Immigration Control and Enforcement. Actions you can take to stop illegal’s being bused/imported into your city. 1. First submit FOIA, freedom of information act, requests to your City Hall. What you are requesting is the special use permits, land use permits that the organization asked for from the City Council. You will ask for these from the year the org. first opened to the present time. 2. Attend the soonest City Council OR Planning Commission meeting after you find out about illegals coming to your city/town. 3. Tell your neighbors and friends what is going on and try to get them to go with you. 4. People can protest outside the Council chambers while the City is having their meeting and you are making public comment. 5. Sign suggestions for this purpose: U.S. kids first , What about our Veterans?? Money for our Vets not illegals, The children are not children, Deport illegals, No Amnesty. 6. Prepare what you will say to your council/planning commission. You will need to make copies of your statement for each council member and yourself. 7. When you stand to make your comments, first say “I would like my statement entered into public record.” 8. There are 3 basic arguments that DO pertain to your city council. By law, they are required to consider the:: a. health b. safety c. welfare of the community, before allowing any changes to the city….If an argument cannot be make that shows how illegals will benefit the city, the council lawfully must not allow the illegals to come there. 9. If you have a few people attending for commenting, have each person tailor their statement to one of the above : health of he citizens, safety of the citizens, welfare of he community. Pick one topic per person , to cover all the bases. 10. If you can find articles to support your statement , print the article and attach to your submitted statement. 11. If you are speaking to the planning commission, tell them the illegals do not fit into the current land use and zoning ordinance. Illegals are not the same as citizens therefore the org. would need a re-zoning request. Tell them to deny any further rezoning . 12. The City Council will probably have a time limit for public comments, anywhere from 2-5 minutes….if your statement is longer than that, summarize it when you stand , and then turn in the entire typed statement by you. 13. Tell the council/ planning commissioners, that if they allow illegals into the city they are aiding and abetting and you will make sure they are voted out next election!!! Mean it!!! 14. Call your State Representative and State Senator….Tell them what is going on, tell them your are concerned about a. Crime b. Increased drug activity c. disease d. job competition 15. Make sure you inform city council, planning commissioners, and State Rep., State Senator, that after the illegals are housed at the center for 3 or 4 weeks they are gong to be reunited with their family, there in your community, and they WILL be getting released into YOUR community. There is already not enough jobs for everyone! There are homeless Veterans and they deserve our care more than a bunch of illegal law breakers! 16. Tell them you want them to draft an ordinance barring illegals from being housed in your city, if they do not want to do so, the citizens will draft it for them. 17. When these “kids” are released into community, money will come from the community for educating them and interpreters ! 18. Follow up with the next council / planning commission meeting. 19. Collect signatures from local residents and turn into council telling them all of these people do not want the illegals there. 20. Follow up ! Follow up! Follow up!!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:28:19 +0000

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