Stop Prex Hati-hati pesawat tanpa awak mengincar Anda yang sedang - TopicsExpress


Stop Prex Hati-hati pesawat tanpa awak mengincar Anda yang sedang belibur udho di tempat-tempat terbuka. Ndhilalahnya, bakul-bakul SarKlewer kalau pikenik ke Parangtritis, ndak pernah wudho mblejet. Soalnya, siapa tahu tangan usil anak mahasiswa lagi ngembangin pesawat tanpa awak dan gendhong camera tipi komplit dengan alat perekam super canggih yang dapat ngrungokkan suara pembicaraan and desah halus yang lagi kelon dari jarak jauh di atas langit. Sarannya Pakdhe Degleng, "Kalau kelon di pinggir pantai mendingan ditutupi payung atau masuk ke sleeping bad." "Tujoknya, saya udah mewanti-wanti sama Liek Kasno kalao ngemong wargo nglencer ke Laut Kidul ndak perlu uadus kramas wudho blejed. Sapa tahu jadi pilm biru. Mending uadhusnya tetap pakai Jariq, biar kalau ketemu nyai Loro Kidul cepet dijadikan abdi dalem, hee..hee... Sila disimak kejadian di Plorida. Lha wong saksekarang udah banyak pesawat helicopter tanpa awak kecil dapat iber dikendalikan dari jarak jauh dijual bebas jhe," ujar mBokmase Sroepijah sembari klekaran di warung disambi ngubengke susur. Drone Falls Dangerously Out of Sky; Local News Station Reveals What It Had Been Filming A small drone obtained by a local Florida news station is revealing just why some have privacy — and safety — concerns regarding the ever expanding use of such surveillance technology by both the government and hobbyists. WKMG-TV, covering the Orlando area, reported one if its reporter finding a RC aerial vehicle that fell out of the sky after losing control and crashing into a tree. The news station was able to obtain more than two hours of footage that was taken by the attached GoPro camera, revealing what the drone had been observing before its fall. [...] you can see each flight starts innocently enough. But you can see the potential for bad behavior. In one shot, the drone races toward an apartment window, getting within feet of the glass. In another shot, the drone hovers over a female sunbather at a pool. She’s completely unaware that it’s there, and she never looks up. But the scariest shot of all shows the drone wobbling high over I-4 as cars zoom by down below. The drivers have no idea that the drone was out of control at that point, and only seconds away from crashing. Using the footage, WKMG was also able to track down the pilot of the drone, finding where he lives. Speaking with the drone’s operator, Guimy Alexis, the station learned he didn’t intend any harm. “The only thing I want to do is essentially record a flight, put some music on it, and put it on YouTube,” Alexis said. And although Alexis believe he didn’t do anything wrong, he told WKMG he worries about others doing “something stupid.” “But if someone does do something stupid, they’re the bad apple, the bad egg. They’re the exception, they’re not the vast majority of us. The vast majority of us just do this for fun.” Under the current FAA regulations for hobbyists using an RC system the operator must be in sight of the device. When Alexis lost control of his home-built drone, it flew out of his line of sight, which he said was an accidental electrical problem. TheBlaze has also learned in the past that businesses currently using such unmanned systems for a variety of services are not authorized to do so under the FAA’s regulations. State Representative Dana Young (R-Tampa) who reviewed the footage WKMG obtained said that it makes her “want to go back and look at the law we passed last year, and see if there are ways to tweak it.” What’s the Future for Drones and Local Law Enforcement? On the heels of Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster, it should be noted that Attorney General Eric Holder’s initial determination that the president would have been able to to kill U.S. Citizens without due process also would have applied to Federal Law Enforcement agencies including the FBI, DHS…the forestry service. Still, the advancement of drone technology will undoubtedly change law enforcement tactics forever. In a world in which speed limits are already enforced in some places by aircraft, is it long before there are drones above every highway checking speed limits and issuing tickets? On ‘Real News‘ Thursday the panel discussed how the use of drones in law enforcement could open a can of worms in our legal system, and how the country may try to handle the delicate balance between civil liberties and security as this new tool becomes readily available.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 06:09:32 +0000

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