【Stop this public lynching】 转载自:林德宜( CPI - TopicsExpress


【Stop this public lynching】 转载自:林德宜( CPI ) Written by Dr. Lim Teck Ghee( CPI ) The decision of the AG to charge Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee marks the half-way point in the public lynching of these two young people. (What were they guilty of?) A moment of unthinking madness; an act of stupidity and idiocy; a prank in bad taste; racial and religious insensitivity; youthful arrogance – yes, these criticisms and much more in the way of scorn and public shame and odium can be heaped on their foolish and misguided attempt to draw attention to themselves. But to charge them for sedition and for a criminal act under the penal code! And then to deny them bail as if they are a major threat to public peace and order. Please! Let us not forget that prominent politicians guilty of even more in your face racial and religious taunting have got away scot free, with the last notable racist political figure even put up as a candidate during the recent election. And what about even earlier incidents such as kris brandishing? (Come on, Malaysia!) Alvin and Vivian have already apologized for their offensive Selamat Berbuka Puasa ‘greeting’, calling it their “stupidest stunt” and reiterating that it was done in humour. In a youtube posting available to everyone who should view it first before calling for their heads to be off, Alvin said, “We are recording this video to ask for forgiveness for offending Muslims in this holy month of Ramadan. We sincerely regret offending religious beliefs and sensitivities in multi-cultural Malaysia,” He also said that they had no intent to insult or ridicule the Muslim faith, nor incite racial conflict. In most societies except the most blinkered, the authorities and public would have moved on to more important matters. But not in Malaysia where foaming politicians and retired politicians have bayed for the young couple’s blood and are urging our ‘independent and impartial’ judiciary to impose the most serious punishment possible. Alvin had ended the video by saying “selamat Aidilfitri dan maaf zahir batin (happy Aidilfitri and apologies for all discretions)”. He may not be genuinely repentant. But shouldn’t we give him the benefit of the doubt. Apparently to the lynching and vigilante mob, this plea for forgiveness and compassion is not enough. Viewing (mainly with pity and sadness) what is happening to this young couple and the innocent youth who had the words "Saya hina agama Islam" scrawled on his chest, leads me to wonder what has happened to us in this country that we can allow a few political and religious leaders, the media and our authorities to make a national controversy over a mindless stunt by two young people, blow it out of all rational proportion and act as if they are speaking on behalf of moderate Malaysians. Alvin and Vivian invited this on themselves when they stupidly posted their crude prank. By surrendering to the lynch mob, we dishonor our core values of humanity, compassion and mercy. ======================== 【民主行动党秘书长兼峇眼区国会议员林冠英于2013年7月19日在吉隆坡发表声明】 内阁必须谴责阿都拉曼达兰支持土权组织依布拉欣阿里焚烧圣经为权利的种族及极端主义,否则他们将被视为无法代表全民的内阁。 内阁必须谴责乡区福利、房屋及地方政府部长阿都拉曼达兰,他支持土权组织依布拉欣阿里焚烧圣经为权利的种族及极端主义,否则内阁将被视为无法代表全民的内阁。阿都拉曼说,依布拉欣已经解释其言论只是要纠正圣经的错误印刷,焚烧圣经是应该的,正如穆斯林也焚烧印刷错误的《可兰经》。 这是惊人的言论,让依布拉欣这样一个种族及极端主义者来焚烧圣经,怎么会是纠正圣经的行为?正如非穆斯林也不能够随便焚烧其它宗教的经典,依不拉欣也不能够焚烧圣经,特别是当他焚烧圣经是为了抗议基督教。 没有人可以理解阿都拉曼的逻辑及合理性,他说依布拉欣阿里唆使焚烧含有“阿拉”字眼的圣经,不能与性爱二人组阿杰毅及李美玲侮辱伊斯兰教相提并论。由于当局没有人对付依布拉欣,那么我们可以总结说当局允许侮辱其它宗教。 当行动党支持当局对付这对情侣,因为他们侮辱其它宗教,但是为什么像依不拉欣阿里这种威胁焚烧圣经、反非穆斯林及反非马来人的分子没有因为威胁宗教和谐而被处罚?阿都拉曼甚至说依布拉欣阿里焚烧圣经是正常的,反映这两个人一样,思想歪曲成了反非穆斯林,明显地为首相一个马来西亚送终。 马来西亚人要问为什么当局因为性爱二人组的面子书贴文而处罚他们,但是国阵莎亚南候选人祖基菲里在优管上发表反兴都教的言论却不被对付?很明显地,国阵是双重标准及选择性检举,只处罚反穆斯林的议论,而不是反非穆斯林的言论。 最重要的问题是,内阁成员不论是穆斯林或非穆斯林,都应回应这名来自沙巴的新任部长的言论,他完全不尊重基督徒及非穆斯林。内阁成员,特别是非穆斯林部长,能不能接受阿都拉曼这种种族及极端主义的言论,并认为他们的宗教被侮辱是很平常的? (林冠英)
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 17:46:54 +0000

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