Stopping point. Rising Power continues to grow and now rests on - TopicsExpress


Stopping point. Rising Power continues to grow and now rests on 53,549. Caden seemed to be digging himself into a deeper whole and its not looking good for Destiny, but does Fate have an escape for them? Can the tides turn in time? Teaser.... “Wow, Caden… I… I’m shocked, actually no, I’m hurt by your blatant lack of trust and respect,” she said as she moved away from him. “After everything I’ve done to get you here, you still can’t put your faith in me, can you? After everything I did to get the three of you across that river, does that really count for nothing? Clearly you have no trust in the Guardianship, or in me,” she added despondently. “No, I can’t and do you blame me? I mean really, you’re keeping me here like I’m a prisoner, you don’t let me see her, and you won’t even give me the courtesy of keeping me in the know,” he said sharply. His hands grew hotter the more annoyed he became. Her presence in the room with him seemed to be triggering a reaction within him that made no sense, and he couldn’t stop himself. “I had to hear it from him, Lazuli. You couldn’t even tell me yourself, but it was okay, Johan told me,” he added as he clenched his fists. His jaw tensed as he clamped his mouth shut and prevented himself from stepping too far. There was far more he could have said to her as choice words lingered on the edge of his tongue as they desperately sought passage into the cold air, but he held on to them and allowed himself to simmer while he controlled the fire burning within him. “Oh for the love of… you know what, forget it. Forget I even said a word, Caden. Clearly it means nothing to you right now, and it’s obvious that I’m just in your way,” she said as she turned and headed for the door. “And you know what… you can come and go as you please, I’m sure Johan told you that already,” she added as she fled the room with tears welling at the corner of her eyes.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:53:59 +0000

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