Story.. Theres a brother that went to the old peoples - TopicsExpress


Story.. Theres a brother that went to the old peoples hospital to visit and as he entered the hspl giving them salaam his attention was grabbed by an old man who has reached 90yrz he went to him and gave him salaam and the old man said Im blind, and he said my son can I ask you for something and the brother said yes please do ask me for anything u want it will be my joy, please uncle command me! And the old man on the wheel chair said my son wallahiii is been three days now that Ive not eaten hunger has been killing me, I hav not eaten nor drank anything! And the brother said I seek refuge in Allah what about the hospitl dont they giv u food? The old man said I have no apetite for the hospital food, Ya Allah! Then the brother said command me ask anything u want! And the old man said my son if u have one riyal go to the glocery store and buy bread for me thats all I want, the brother went to the supermarket bought bread juice water, food, etc and brought to him, he eat and smiled at him and said May Allah reward you Then the brother asked the old man, uncle please forgive me for this question, now that u r in hospl dont u have children? And the oldman lowered his head and raised it again and he replied, my son I have children I have ten children but they all grew up and got married and forgot about me, they left me at home By Allah winter comes and cold kills me, I call on them but none answered me So one day the most merciful amongst them came to me and say father, wallahi I thought he was going to sleep with him or made a hom for me, his son said Ill take u to a place that befits you and youll give us rest as well, and he took him to the hospital gave a paper to hold said someone will com attend to him, perhabs they will take care of you because we have no time to do so He started weeping and said Im 90years old I never knew that my children will throw me in the hospital, and leave me, I wwish I never had children!! So the brother said uncle pray for them, and he asked for how long have been here? The old man said Ive been for two years now, and none of my children has knocked that door! None visited. So the brother said make dua for them so they will come back and the old man said no! Wallah wallah! I will not leave them on the day of judgmnt! By Allah! I will stand infront of Allah and oppose them!!! Why will they leave their father the one that when they r young will not sleep until they slept! Wallah! I wont leave them on judgmnt day! Allah is just! Poor They are poor thinking they r confortbl now!! Then both of them started weeping and the brother said no dont weep my heart is for u, and the old man said yes but theres no hands tender like that of a son, Ya Allah! May they not be happy in this world and the next!!! The brother said stop weeping and the old man said no ten children and no good one amongst them? !! Then the brother left the hospital weeping but he came back to see him after 2months... To be continued in the video when u watch...
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 22:31:27 +0000

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