Story from abroad #4: Taking a super delayed RyanAir flight into - TopicsExpress


Story from abroad #4: Taking a super delayed RyanAir flight into Paris Beauvais, I missed the bus into the city due to not finding the right ticket kiosk for a few minutes. By the time I got into the city there was only time for two more metro cars to run before they shut down at 1am. Racing the clock, I made it to the first car, which shot me straight into the heart of Paris next to the Louvre. Speeding with bated breath to my connecting car, I missed it by less than 10 seconds. Dumbfounded, I watched it zoom away and realized I had no plan B. Never in my wildest dreams did I guess a delayed flight and missed bus would mean Id lose out on the last metro to my hostel. I was firmly ushered by the transit police out onto the streets. I was low on money and a cab would have been crazy expensive. Exercising my very poor french, I tried to figure out which night buslines would take me the 13 stops I needed to go. A Texan girl pointed me to the right place. But the bus drivers were all trolling me since they were used to dealing with tons of drunk club-going youth. They each seemed to refer me to a different line with dismissive gestures. Suddenly a Hispanic guy stepped in. Hey, My dad works with United Nations. You obviously dont speak French, English or Spanish better? The guy guided me to the right bus line, but when the bus finally got there, there were so many people that when I stepped on, they jostled me off and I dropped my luggage! Irate, I ran after the bus cursing and crying out like I was motion-sick on a roller coaster. You *#&%ing bus you cant leave me to die out here! I dont even know French! Arghhhhh! Exhausted, I stopped after a few blocks in the middle of the street and sat down at a lamppost. A couple seconds went by. I took stock of my surroundings. A waiter served two gorgeous women fine wine at a nearby restaurant. A young couple held each other nearby, overlooking the Seine and whispering sweet nothings in French. I chuckled and started praying out loud: Sorry about that God. I dunno what came over me lol. This is beautiful tho! A minute later I found the right bus and rode my 13 stops to the Hostel after 3am. And thats how I survived my first night in Paris! :)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:17:57 +0000

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