Story time. Long post, but Im squeeling with excitement and HAVE - TopicsExpress


Story time. Long post, but Im squeeling with excitement and HAVE to share. Waited in SoO LFR que on my druid for about 40 mins. When it finally popped, they were on the last boss, Garrosh Hellscream with 3 stacks of determination. I was in feral spec, trying to get some guardian gear. We ended up wiping a few more times - mostly because either no one would kill the engineers, or because they would end up killing both engineers and wed get overrun with adds. Finally got to SIX STACKS of determination, at which point both tanks get fed up and leave. We get a Warrior tank in about 5 minutes later, alone. One tank. Not good, we needed two. Waited in que another 15 minutes, in the raid, at the last boss, for ONE more tank. Kept waiting. And waiting. Had a little druid/shaman dance party in the center of the room for a while to waste some time and keep ourselves amused. Finally someone asks if anyone has a tank set... and after a few seconds of crickets, idiot me had to open my mouth and go I have a tank set! at which point I realized, shoot I dunno how to tank Garrosh. Luckily there were a few people that were actually really decent, two of which whispered me some very good tips and info and one that helped direct me in raid chat. So I popped my gear on, switched my spec, and got buffed. Beautiful beautiful health! I popped bear form with 1M276k health. And once temp buffs and shaman heals came in, I had over 2.2M health at one point. (YES, we had 6 stacks of determination which raises my stats, but let me enjoy the moment dammit!) Standing in the center of the room, in bear form, with the DBM countdown nearing 1. This is the point where I seriously started getting nervous. I do that on boss fights. Trash, not so much.. but bosses, god they are nerve wracking to me. Im trying to get over it, but theres just so much movement and coordination required and I am so far past being coordinated I just kind of blunder in and hope for the best. Plus my mouse has 17 buttons which I am still working on getting all keybound for all my toons, so that added to my OMG what was I thinking!? moment. ANYHOO.... already long story short. I tanked Garrosh Hellscream. MAIN tanked, mind you, the warrior seemed quite content to let me have my moment in the spotlight. I kept agro on the boss and a majority of the adds a good 80% of the fight, only letting agro go during taunt swaps and during the split transitions. The transitions were cake, but I had to really pay attention on the taunt swaps and his stacks. Thank goodness for deadly boss mods and their audio cues cos there was a WHOLE bunch of text all over my screen. And... while I may have been trembling irl from both fear and excitement, and while I could not tank him yet without having loads of Determination stacks, it was still FREAKING AWESOME!! I am so proud of my little druid! :)
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:34:47 +0000

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