Strelitzia reginae Birds of paradise Are tropical plants best - TopicsExpress


Strelitzia reginae Birds of paradise Are tropical plants best known for their distinctive flowers that resemble a brilliantly colored bird. If you want the same look and feel as a bird of paradise, there are several options to give you the shape, the tropical feel or the color you want. Growing a bird of paradise plant (Strelitzia reginae) is a labor of love. These tropical beauties require more care and attention than some other plant varieties, but the reward is a brightly colored bloom that resembles the head of a bird. Usually grown indoors in Mediterranean climates, birds of paradise owners must be patient; the plants can sometimes take up to 10 years to bloom. Light and Temperature As a tropical plant, a bird of paradise must have light to survive. They require about five hours per day to live, but if you want yours to bloom, give it full sun for as many hours as possible starting in early spring. The plant typically becomes dormant and wont bloom in the winter, so partial sun is acceptable during those months. The plant will enjoy the heat from the window in the summer months as well; keep the plants environment above 50 degrees Fahrenheit all year to help it bloom in the summer. Fertilizer Birds of paradise need plenty of food during their growing months, which are typically late spring and summer. Give them a balanced fertilizer, such as a 1-1-1, in liquid form every two weeks. If the plant is mature enough to bloom -- at least 4 years old -- but isnt blooming, try adding a natural slow-release fertilizer such as blood meal in between the normal feedings. No Matches Found. Please try your search again. Pot Unlike many blooming plants, birds of paradise thrive when root bound. You should transplant them to larger pots once a year when they are most actively growing, usually in the first four years. At that point, the plant should be in a 12-inch pot or equivalent. Allow the plant to grow without transplanting it so the roots can intertwine inside the pot. Some plants bloom shortly after this final pot change while others still need several years to mature. If you must transplant the bird of paradise after it reaches maturity, be prepared to skip at least one year of blooming as its roots become accustomed to the new pot. Water To help your bird of paradise bloom, water it liberally during late spring and summer. Keep the soil moist, but make sure the soil is well drained so it doesnt become saturated. Soil that is too wet or too dry can keep the plant from blooming. Youll probably need to water the plant a little every other day, or at least twice a week. Spray water onto its leaves about twice a week to maintain a helpful level of humidity. Once the weather starts to cool in the fall, reduce the amount of water so that the top inch of soil is dry before watering, which should be about once a week.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 06:21:19 +0000

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