Strengthen Your Willpower and Self-Discipline Guidance and - TopicsExpress


Strengthen Your Willpower and Self-Discipline Guidance and Exercises By Remez Sasson Everyone has a few habits they wish they could overcome or change. This however, requires a certain degree of willpower and self-discipline. These two skills make a great difference in your life, bringing to the fore, inner strength, self mastery and decisiveness, which are vital for success and for personal growth. The possession of willpower and self-discipline or their lack is a major factor leading to success or to failure, to taking action or to being lazy. This applies to major goals, and also to simple, everyday tasks. These abilities are vital ingredients of success, both spiritual and material. •How many times you wanted to go for a walk, knowing how wonderful you feel afterwards, but due to laziness or lack of inner strength, you stayed at home and watched TV instead? •How many times have you tried to change your eating habits, stop smoking, or get up earlier in the morning, but you didnt possess enough inner strength and persistence? •Do you start things, but quit after a short while? All this can be changed with a little willpower and self-discipline. Lets examine these skills. Willpower definitions: •The ability to control or reject unnecessary or harmful impulses. •the ability to arrive at a decision and follow it with perseverance, until its successful accomplishment. •It is the inner strength that enables you to refuse to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits. •It is inner power that enables you to overcome inner and external resistance and obstacles. •It is antidote to laziness and procrastination. Self-discipline definitions: •It is the companion of willpower. It gives you with the stamina to persevere with whatever you do. •It is the strength to withstand physical, emotional and mental hardships and difficulties. •It stands for perseverance and tenacity. •It is the ability to reject immediate satisfaction, pleasure or comfort, in order to gain something better, but which requires effort and time. With these skills, you have the option to choose your behavior and reactions, instead of being ruled by them. They make you feel more powerful and in charge of yourself. There is a misconception in the public mind regarding willpower and self-discipline. It is erroneously believed that their development and use require a lot of mental and physical strain and effort. This is not true. You can develop them in a gradual, simple way, by practicing certain exercises, and even enjoy the process.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 18:54:57 +0000

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