Strongman State Championships update: John Mouser The event took - TopicsExpress


Strongman State Championships update: John Mouser The event took place in Mannington, WV around 2pm. The first event was the Husafell Stone Carry. Todays stone weighed in at 350lbs! This event is now my least favorite. I made it one inch... yep, one inch past the line. And I didnt get last place if that says anything about the difficulty here... Also suffered some type of finger injury during my one inch adventure. Least favorite event! The next event was an Overhead Press Medley. There were 5 implements, each one was pressed, in succession, overhead one time. The implements were ... - 155lbs Atlas Stone - 140lbs Stumpbell - 240lbs Log - 200lbs Granite Slab - 275lbs Axle The Atlas Stone went up easy. The Stumpbell shouldve went up easy, but ,to my surprise, I had to make 3-4 attempts before finally getting a clean rep. All my failures with the Stumpbell ran out the clock, so I never made it to the Log.... This was disappointing. The third event was the Mouser Squat Machine. This used to be my least favorite event. Despite having my name on it, Ive never been able to compete a rep on this monstrosity and today was no different.... If I were Superman, this would be Kryptonite..... However, Im Batman, so Im not sure what this means. Event number four was a Grip Medley. The medley was as follows... - 50lbs pinch grip (1 rep each hand) - 275lbs Double Overhand Axle Deadlift - 175lbs Rolling Thunder Deadlift (one rep each hand) - 60D nail bend I had some trouble getting the pinch grip up with my left hand due to my injured finger, but after several attempts I made the lift. The Axle Deadlift went up without a hitch. The Rolling Thunder was no problem and the nail wouldnt have been a problem, but I ran out of time. This was still enough to secure 2nd place in this event. The final event was the Atlas Stones! Today we had to lift the stones from the ground to our shoulder. This was done last man standing style. We each took an attempt at a stone, once everyone had went, a larger stone was brought out. This process was continued until either no one was left or the heaviest stone was revealed. Once the heaviest stone was revealed, the remaining competitors had 75sec to get as many reps as possible to determine the winner. The first stone was 227lbs. Easy stuff. The second was 239lbs. Easy. The third stone was 265lbs. No sweat. The final stone weighed 289lbs! I got one rep with it, almost got 2. I tied for first place in this event... I must be a decent stone lifter! I finished third overall, today. Good placing, but didnt qualify for nationals. Ill have two more opportunities to qualify however. Next weekend is the Appalachian Strongman Team Championships! The winning team qualifies and Ive put together a very formidable team. Team Bear Hands! Ill also have another shot at qualifying later in the year at the Elkins Forest Festivals, Strongest Man in the Forest competition. This is probably my favorite show, so come on out and watch me move heavy things!! All in all todays event was fun and rewarding. Alot of great competitors made it out today including some old school strength athletes from the beginining days of these events in WV. Also, Id like to mention that this event was also a fundraiser for Id like to thank everyone that came out to watch, participate and support our athletes and our troops. And Id like to give a big shout out to Jim Basnett for organizing the event and being an inspiration to strongmen/women everywhere!
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 04:09:55 +0000

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