Struggling to get started? Here is a blog from one of our ladies - TopicsExpress


Struggling to get started? Here is a blog from one of our ladies Louise Still. What are your thoughts? I joined Funfit one year ago this month. To be honest I had no idea what Funfit was when I joined, I saw an ad in the local physio for this 12 weeks experience and thought it would be a good way to start back into getting healthy and fit. I had a few injuries that were being treated at the time, and thought I would pay for the course up front – that way it will MAKE me go. Around this time I had sold my business and decided I was going to take some time off and re assess a few important things in my life. Day one of Funfit – I was so nervous I thought I would be sick... it had been ages since I’d done any form of exercise, and day one we had to assess ourselves. This doesn’t sound bad now but that day it scared me .. you see I’ve been addicted to avoiding myself ... for years like most busy mums I had gotten busy being busy and overwhelmed with “stuff”...anyway I digress... So assessment sucked.. in fact I was second to last on the walk.. I would have been last had the lady behind me not been on crutches! But something quite incredible happened.. Instead of feeling all embarrassed and wanting to crawl into the nearest hole.. I felt encouraged by everyone else and no one made fun of me. . you should have heard the thoughts running through my head that morning as I worked through the exercises.. all negative..all poison.. no wonder I hadn’t gotten anywhere in 20+ years. I am living proof that dieting and fads including surgery do not work.. when your head is not in the game. As the weeks went on – I got fitter, I started putting in the work at home as well and started seeing results.. non scale victories at first.. happier, more organised, amazing amount of energy & happy family (cos happy mum and wife!)... and I started to connect with all these amazing women on the Funfit forums which is a very safe place and not public which I love! I have never been part of a team that is so supportive and encouraging.. we each have our own stuff to deal with – but I know each one of those guys have my back, and I’m not ashamed to admit it – that some days they are the ones that got me up training in the wet, getting me over that finish line when I wanted to quit.. that unconditional support is a side effect that I have welcomed and cherished as the year has gone by. I dropped 15kgs..and as I got more invested in the “experience” part of funfit – I started to re-educate myself on the food/fluids that my body needed. I still had injuries, my shoulder is still frozen, and I have a hook spur on the heel of my foot that Captain Hook himself would be jealous off.. so now I adapt. The experience part of Funfit was an unexpected highlight to be honest, finally after 30 years I got fitted with the right bra! I learnt about heritage seeds for more nutrient dense food growing, at home beauty, I learned to Zumba, have a go at Martial arts... the list goes on.. Including a life altering talk on alternative cancer treatments (which would turn out to be the most important piece of information I would walk away with) I now meet with Laurinda one on one, and together we have worked through a plan that I know I can achieve, even with my injuries so now there’s really no excuse.. I’ve learnt to accept me as I am now.. the good and the bad, and I’m learning to make changes in my life that I see FIT. 2013 has been a mixed bag of compost for me, a shock diagnosis in the family has knocked me sideways.. I could have so easily gone backwards and some days I feel I do.. but I have some big goals to achieve next year, and I know that I can’t do this alone, so have decided that the next step for me is to start keeping a blog of my journey. I need to be held accountable, and I need the support of the Funfit whanau. The blog will be about my training, eating, thoughts, experiences, life in general. I’m gonna keep it real – warts and all, there’s no perfection – and it will never be over..but with your help to keep me focussed and accountable, I have the chance to finally achieve what I set out to do so long ago. This year is about getting back on track, sorting out the Captain Hook foot and the frozen shoulder, Refocus then 2014 we go to work.. it’s going to be a massive year for me which I’ll blog about, and you won’t believe what lengths Laurinda will go to make sure I stay on track! So what does Funfit mean to me??.. so many things.. new awesome top quality friendships, me time, getting healthy in mind and body, learning new things, giving stuff a go that I would have NEVER have attempted to do... this week I’m going abseiling and doing archery.. OMG what have I gotten myself into! The answer... Everything!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:31:30 +0000

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