Subhanallah, today Ive had a very unusual and violent day in - TopicsExpress


Subhanallah, today Ive had a very unusual and violent day in Germany! I walked outside my room towards the train station, and noticed there was more than 70 police cars, trucks, firetrucks, and many police officers dressed like special forces SWAT teams. It caught my attention but I didnt have time to stop and ask whats going on, or I wouldve missed my train. After getting on the train, it went underground, and all of a sudden, the train stopped inside the dark underground tunnel, then it turned completely off, and it was pitch dark with me and hundreds of other people packed inside the train like a sardine can as it was rush hour. Then all of a sudden I heard announcements in German language, but my German is just basic so I had no clue what was going on. I really started to panic from the inside, but remained calm on the outside. Is this another attack or what?!! Then after a few minutes, the train started moving again. What in the world is going on??!! Then as soon as I arrived to the main station, I got out, then I found myself sandwiched between two massive protests. The first side is the Nazi anti-Islamic side, carrying signs against Masjids and shouting Wir wollen keine! Islamisten-Schweine (We dont want any! Islamist pigs)! And then as I stepped out from the train, there was a Hijabi sister who stepped out from the door nearest to me, so those Nazi guys approached her and started to intimidate her, so I went and put myself as a barrier between them and her, so they extended their middle finger one inch from my eyes with an angry face and shouts, until by the mercy of Allah, within 5 seconds a police officer who is dressed in a huge black shield and helmet came and pushed me and her back and shouted aussteigen (Get out!!), then about 15 officers holding hand to hand made a barrier line so we could run out! So I got out, and then I saw the other half of the protest, which are also German people who are against those Nazis, carrying signs that show love and acceptance of immigrants and multicultural Germany, and chanting back to them Wir wollen keine faschistisch (We dont want any fascists), then they were throwing things on each other. I just stepped a safe distance further and started to observe and take photos. At the end of the day, I was disturbed to have witnessed that much hatred hands on, as Germany has 4.5 million Muslims, second only to France in the EU, but on the other hand, I thanked Allah subhanahu wa taala that there was as many Germans who are compassionate and are standing against hate from their own people towards Muslims. It shows that even in countries that we often stereotype as the most racists, there is always an abundance of good people! But the BIG question now is... which side is going to grow bigger in the next few years? It is our biggest responsibility now to make sure that the second group, the compassionate one, the one that understand what we stand for must get bigger. Its time we stop sleeping and start teaching ourselves and others about the true message before things get too late. Ive spent 5 months teaching in Europe last year and inshaAllah nothing will stop me from coming again, but we need to do more. May Allah protect our brothers and sisters and guide those who defend the truth! [Sheikh Waleed]
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:23:19 +0000

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