Subject: The Latest Revelations on Benghazi Show that Obamas - TopicsExpress


Subject: The Latest Revelations on Benghazi Show that Obamas ...long train of abuses and usurpations... Got Way Too Long, We Must Stop It Dear Roger, I am sharing with you some thoughts with you today, January 20, 2015, when the Prevaricator in Chief (aka “The Agitator in Chief”, “The RED Dictator”, “The Dear Leader”, etc.) will engage in lying massively to the American people in front of nationwide TV cameras. Thus read the stuff below and pass it to all non-leftists you have access to, particularly those non-leftist citizens of age that do not vote. Do not waste your time on DemocRATs and other leftists; you will not be able to change their mind at this stage.. Here it goes: The Latest Revelations on Benghazi Show that Obama’s “...long train of abuses and usurpations...” Got Way Too Long, We Must Stop It “WND EXCLUSIVE -- Generals conclude Obama backed al-Qaida -- Probe of military experts finds U.S. switched sides in terror war” says the WND heading referring to the investigation CONTENTS 1- Prologue 2- Where does all of this in Obama’s mind come from? 3- What is to be done about all of this? ------------------------------------********------------------------------------ ******** 1- PROLOGUE Concerns are growing that the U.S. House of Representatives inquest about all around Benghazi --under the leadership (?) of Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi...and who recently voted to fully fund the unconstitutional Obamacare and “temporarily” the unconstitutional Obama’s dictate of amnesty to illegal aliens-- is but a smoke screen. The fear is that perfidious John Boehner and the rest of the REPUGNican Party “leadership” are using it as merely bargaining leverage in their going through the motions against Obama and the rest of the DemocRAT Party. It is amidst those concerns and that fear that Jerome Corsi made his report -- Admirals, generals, intel: Benghazi inquest compromised-- about it on WND two days ago on January 20, 2015. But apparently Boehner seeks to hit, not one, but two bull’s eyes situated in mutually opposite directions...with a single shot; Gowdy’s committee looks like a preemptive action against the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi (CCB), a non-governmental task force instituted by a group of citizens and constituted of individuals who have nothing to do either with government or political parties. What may probably make the REPUGNican Party’s high strata fret is that the CCB is going deep and forward with a “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” attitude, a Tea Party movement patriotic attitude...and there is nothing --not even the DemocRATs-- that induces panic as the Tea Party movement does on the REPUGNican high hierarchs: those at the highest bureaucratic and ideological strata in the party hierarchy at county, state and national levels coalescing in a nauseatingly eclectic salad of traitors, sycophants, cowards, idiots, ignoramuses (particularly regarding geography, history and ideologies of the Left and world history), fascists, opportunists, RINOs, establishment-Republicans, warty-interests lobbyists, fascist-business lobbyists, slave-wage lobbyists, party bosses, backdoor-dealers and dynastically plutocratic chieftains that control the Grand Old Party that is no more. The CCB could end up making findings that might expose the sheer treachery by despicably malicious action of DemocRATs and the sheer complicity by repugnantly willful dereliction of duty of REPUGNicans in the whole matter. Both parties would be left very seriously maimed for generations to come, even probably precipitating the relapse of a catastrophic event that happened almost 161 years ago, on March 20, 1854...only that this time it wouldn’t be the Whig Party the one to disappear, but its successor, the party whose creation on that date gave the Whigs the little nudge it needed to complete its journey of self-destruction to final demise: the brand-new Republican Party...which less than seven years later --on November 6, 1860-- would be electing abolitionist Abraham Lincoln the 16th president of the United States. Here is an excerpt of Corsi’s report, Admirals, generals, intel: Benghazi inquest compromised: “In exclusive interviews conducted with 11 of the 17 members of the commission, it is clear that while the CCB is still enthusiastic to work with Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and hopeful that Boehner is serious about the investigation, various members of the CCB, speaking on their own behalf and not as spokesmen for the commission, are expressing concerns, wanting to make sure the Gowdy investigation is not compromised by elements within the GOP. It was a lack of trust in the congressional investigation of Benghazi that prompted the formation of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi in 2013. The founding members of the CCB were U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, U.S. Navy four-star Adm. James Lyons, U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney (all retired) and Accuracy in Media ( Editor Roger Aronoff. Vallely told WND that he believes Gowdy ‘has received much pressure not to get to the truth, and we are now coming to the conclusion that there is no longer any intention in Washington, by the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican Parties, to get to the truth.’ ‘An honest investigation into Benghazi would prove treasonous acts at the very top of the White House and the State Department, and a continuing cover-up in Congress that now involves the Republican leadership and especially House Speaker John Boehner,’ Vallely said.” A token of the graveness of the findings the CCB is getting is evident in what Corsi reported yesterday, January 19, 2015, Generals conclude Obama backed al-Qaida -- Probe of military experts finds U.S. switched sides in terror war. Particular today, when Obama will come up on nationwide TV lying through his teeth, prevaricating on how he has overall strengthened America when he has been overall emaciating her. The CCB has found several tips of Ariadne’s threads and is pulling all of them to bring non-leftist Americans out of the Labyrinth of Benghazi. The utter violations of the Constitution are therein. The brazen lying to the American people is therein. All behind the Islamist terrorist attack in Benghazi is therein. The cobweb were Obama and Hillary Clinton entangled the U.S. Ambassador to Libya is therein. The gun traffic is therein. The double deals are therein. The gun deals with al-Qaeda and the UAE is therein. The betrayal of America is therein. The articles of Obama’s impeachment by the U.S. House are therein, to then be followed by his trial and conviction by the U.S. Senate. All of that, and more, are therein. You MUST read Corsi’s report, as it will force you to seek the answer to the medullar question in the next section. ------------------------------------********------------------------------------ ******** 2- WHERE DOES ALL OF THIS IN OBAMA’S MIND COME FROM? Let’s thank the patriots of the CCB, WND and Jerome Corsi for exposing all of this; but the whole thing has to be put in the proper context, and to such effect, non-leftist Americans MUST understand fully that Obama is under the compelling urge of three drivers that impel him to seek the destruction of America. Dismiss his latest posturing of statesmanship, when in reality it all is treacherous deception. Those three drivers are: 2.1- Obama is a Leninist, and as such, he inherently is an adept to the catastrophism that Sergey Nechayev --father of Russian style nihilism, and a fiery Marxist whom Marx and Engels disavowed for the savage violence and terror he advocated-- introduced and laid out in his pamphlet Catechism of the Revolutionist in circa 1870. Decades later, Lenin embraced fully Nechayevs “catastrophism” and incorporated it to his revolutionary ideas, which later would be part of his Bolshevism. Nechayevs catastrophism calls for the use of catastrophic events, or their provocation or even their creation if they do not exist, in any nation targeted for takeover. The purpose is to either bring such nation down to its knees or destroy it scorched earth style to then impose the Marxist (i.e., classless and internationalist) kind of socialism, logically aiming at, and as a steppingstone toward Marxs ultimate aim: Marxist (i.e., stateless and worldwide) kind of communism. At least that is what Nechayev saw as the overall objective of using his catastrophism. However, Lenin used the sack of violence and terror Nechayev proposed, but for his own Bolshevik form of tyranny, which, after Lenins death, Stalin wiped out (including executing --except for a fistful-- Lenins Old Bolsheviks) to create what came to be known as “the reign of the Nomenklatura” (you have to read this in Wikipedia or, if you want to know the entire saga of the Soviet Union until circa early 1980, in Michael Voslensky’s book Nomenklatura). Obama is, however, a Leninist of the Cultural Communism strain, whose seed was created in 1926 by Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist-communist friend of Lenin and, originally, a fierce Bolshevik who revised barbaric Bolshevism and came up with a relatively suave methodology to seize and retain power, although aimed at Lenins final aim. (Notice that Lenins socio-economic environment conditions for revolution in Russia, as well as the methodology to seize and retain overall power, and the final objectives of the whole thing differed from Marxs own). The case is that, as a Leninist, obama inherently seeks to --via “catastrophism” -- either bringing down America to her needs or destroying her “scorched earth” style. And he will use absolutely anything to achieve it, including whatever was around “Benghazi”...all in conjunction with his two other drivers: 2.2- Obama is markedly sympathetic to Islamism, as he wrote in his autobiographic book The Audacity of Hope (Chapter 7, Race, page 261, 15th line, hardcover edition.). He vowed therein that he would support Muslims --unqualifiedly, but particularly Islamists-- when he promised: “I will stand with them [Muslims], should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”...and Islamists are the ones making those winds blow in very ugly directions...with their monstrous deeds. “Researchers” and Snopes manufactured the canard that the quote in reference “is taken out of context”, based on the properly “bombarding, softening of the landing beach, prior to the landing”, preparing to plant the vow as a most noble promise. Obama made such preparation in the one or the two pages of text in The Audacity of Hope... prior to his pro-Islamic vow. He narrated --most likely fictitious, given the compulsive, ruthless liar he is-- the meetings in the days after 9/11 (he was an obscure Illinois Senator for the 13th district) ostensibly with Muslims of Arab, Afghani, Pakistani or so and other ethnicities that were, ostensibly, being harassed by domestic security and intelligence authorities. He never has presented any evidence of such meetings. Nevertheless, if such meetings between an obscure state Senator of Illinois and those Muslims happened, the FBI or the like would not molest law-abiding Muslims that harbor an allegiance to America over Islamism. The targets would be mostly suspects of either conspiracy with or at least sympathy to Islamists, domestic or abroad. Therefore, you can deduce who the “them” in Obama’s vow to Muslims are. Obama is a master at doing or writing or saying things that he carefully prepares in advance to be relatively claimed by his personal and the hardcore-Left’s “whitewashing” crews to have been done, written, or said “out of context”. Notice that such hardcore-Left’s claims of “out of context” is a tired technique used to discredit and denigrate the exposition or accusation or condemnation of facts by calling the source of information when oral or in writing, or even on video, as “taken out of context”. If they do it intensively, massively, pervasively and ubiquitously, it ends up sticking in the mind of the targeted population: the ill-informed, the naïve, and the fools. A careful reading of one or two pages preceding Obama’s vow leaves no doubt about the manufactured canard. It is doubles that such canard around the “out of context” Obama’s vow to Islamists was created by the traitorous domestic hardcore-Left in America and heavily disseminated by its fronts, which included in this particular case Snopes at the point of the vanguard, supported by the hardcore-Left’s “organic fronts”: Mainly, but not only, most of: the media, academia, the intelligentsia, the arts and entertainment, organized labor, and organized “Christian” theology of “liberation” religion. A final warning under this “driver”: Beware of the “good-cop/bad-cop” technique that Muslims in America are using, some of them inadvertently, but at the end of the day, helping, like it or not, the Islamist ones. While some prominent Muslims in America --some of them citizens-- vouch for Islam as a “religion of Peace”, others (i.e., disguised Islamists) do the same but with forked tongue, all while open Islamists keep exacerbating all the violence and terror that characterizes them, and all while the Muslim Brotherhood does not abandon and repudiate its long term objective of subjugating the entire world under the infamous Sharia. Read about the Muslim Brotherhood Plans for America as compiled by one of its officials in 1991 and captured in 2004, five years before Obama “ascended” to the White House and started injecting the Muslim Brotherhood into America’s national security institutions and other dependencies under his management in the executive branch of the federal government. You can read the Muslim Brotherhood plan to penetrate America and impose Sharia and the rest in a full copy of An Explanatory Memorandum: From the Archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America (Center for Security Policy Archival Series). It comes in a paperback edition that costs only $5.50 at Amazon (ISBN-10: 0982294719 -- ISBN-13: 978-0982294710). Part of its preface reads: “In August of 2004, an alert Maryland Transportation Authority Police officer observed a woman wearing traditional Islamic garb videotaping the support structures of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and conducted a traffic stop. The driver was Ismail Elbarasse and detained on an outstanding material witness warrant issued in Chicago in connection with fundraising for Hamas.The FBI’s Washington Field Office subsequently executed a search warrant on Elbarasse’s residence in Annandale, Virginia. In the basement of his home, a hidden sub-basement was found; it revealed over 80 banker boxes of the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America. One of the most important of these documents made public to date was entered into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation trial. It amounted to the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for the United States and was entitled, “An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” The Explanatory Memorandum was written in 1991 by a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and senior Hamas leader named Mohammed Akram. It had been approved by the Brotherhood’s Shura Council and Organizational Conference and was meant for internal review by the Brothers’ leadership in Egypt. It was certainly not intended for public consumption, particularly in the targeted society: the United States. For these reasons, the memo constitutes a Rosetta stone for the Muslim Brotherhood, its goals, modus operandi, and infrastructure in America. It is arguably the single most important vehicle for understanding a secretive organization and should, therefore, be considered required reading for policy-makers and the public, alike.” ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... “Another extraordinarily important element of the Memorandum is attachment. Under the heading A List of Our Organizations and Organization of Our Friends, Akram helpfully identified 29 groups as Muslim Brotherhood fronts. Many of them are even now, some twenty-two years later, still among the most prominent Muslim-American organizations in the United States. And, for free, you can read Analysis of Muslim Brotherhood’s General Strategic Goals for North America Memorandum (Stephen Coughlin, 7 September 2007) at Obama must have known all of this when he delivered the keynote address at the 2004 DemocRAT Convention, under the title of The Audacity of Hope, which, by the way, was based on a sermon he had listened in 1990 from the poisonous anti-American tongue of the infamous Jeremiah Wright. Ditto, Hillary Clinton must have known all of it as well when she engaged as an accomplice of Obama’s in everything related to the Muslim Brotherhood. She must have known all about her closest adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin’s nexus with Islamists. By the way, RINO John McCain defended his friend Hillary’s defense of Abedin when exposed publicly. Read all about it at Hillary Clinton Publicly Defends Huma Abedin; Applauds McCain for Doing Same at shoebat/…/hillary-clinton-publicly-defends-huma…/. Hillary Clinton is up to the eyeballs as an accomplice of Obama’s in all of this; she must be impeded --lawfully and peacefully, of course-- from becoming the DemocRAT presidential candidate for 2016. As for those Muslims in America --citizens or not-- who TRULY disagree with Islamists --closeted or open-- they MUST vocally, publicly and loudly...and --in the sternest terms-- expose, denounce, condemn, and disassociate from, Islamists, domestically and abroad. 2.3- Obama is an anti-white hyper-racists black who has embraced the “one-drop rule” to self-classifying as a “pure black” with “a chip on the shoulder”, injured by slavery of, discrimination upon, and segregation of blacks in America. In addition, worse, a black with a messianic mission of inflicting biblical revenge upon “white America” at all costs. Hence his flagrant and blatant role as the “Agitator in Chief”, he is, to which effect, among other nefarious malfeasance, he planted equally anti-white hyper-racists Eric Holder as head of the Department of Justice... Then, he did something similar with Al Sharpton, the epitome of the most “on your face” agitator of blacks against all that is white, and master “shake-downer”; Obama has made of him the White House’s point man on white-black race relations in America. Those messianic sentiments of biblical revenge upon “white America” of Obama’s and of his equally anti-white hyper-racist minions’ are reflected by the “Burn this mother----er down” and “Burn this b--ch down” calls to aggravated massive urban arson on November 24, 2014, in Ferguson, MO, by Louis Head. That fellow is the goon with a long criminal rap stepfather of the goon-in-the-making Michael Brown who, the latter, died on August 9, 2014 at the same locality, under very-well known aggravated felonious circumstances Brown created. Obama is the iconic embodiment of the “perfect storm” enemy America has ever faced...given the fact of Obama’s three “drivers” to destroy America addressed above, the fact that he is a domestic threat, and furtherly severally aggravated by the fact that he is “occupying” (i.e., “Occupy Wall Street” style) the White House. Don’t be swayed by the preparations Obama is making to, upon leaving the White House, live the life of a magnate; he is a True Believer, and, consequently, his three drivers --particularly the Leninist one-- to destroying America are above the prospect of a plush life for him and his daughters...even if all of them have to go down in flames. I know well Obama’s genre; I brushed elbows intensively with them during my more than four-decade-long life as a hardcore-Left militant and operative. ------------------------------------********------------------------------------ ******** 3- WHAT IS TO BE DONE ABOUT ALL OF THIS? Easy! The answer to such easy question the remedial clause of the Declaration of Independence, the latter being the solemn declaration whereby the United Stated of America was instituted as “the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” which, --except for the true braves (i.e., not any Bowe Bergdahl...who, by the way, in 40 years will be Secretary of State) among most of our Armed Forces-- is no more: “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” ...And, boy, Obama’s Express --his “...long train of abuses and usurpations...”-- got way past too long. We all MUST DEMAND --not simply ask or petition-- from our U.S. Senators and U.S. House Representatives to, once and for all, stop Obama cold turkey via using all resources in The Constitution. That is how we MUST abide by our “duty, to throw off such Government” via MGV
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:32:46 +0000

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