“Successful,” co-creative, joyful, healthy, wholistic, - TopicsExpress


“Successful,” co-creative, joyful, healthy, wholistic, beneficial, loving, giving, compassionate, generous, balanced relationship is easy. It all boils down to one thing: your ability or inability to love and be loved. I have said this before in many other ways in my other articles and I say it again because it is the culmination of every detail of relationship. Your relationship with anything, including God Goddess All That Is, nature, animals, friends, money, food, your body, lovers, parents, siblings, the planet, the universe, the angels, the Ascended Masters, the Elohim, the Melchizedeks, the ETs…. is determined by how much you allow yourself to love and be loved unconditionally. As humans we have generally been programmed that we are not worthy of love; that we are, (if we act correctly), worthy of only conditional love. Most people do not even aspire to it or even talk about it because unconditional love “is not possible and is unattainable,” unless you are God. To some degree this is true. On higher “dimensional” realms of consciousness, unconditional love is the norm. Here in the land of conditions, it is generally reserved for our gurus, prophets, avatars and messiahs, because they do not live in or operate from this conditional reality. If unconditional love is possible within a human body, within this world of limitation, we are not taught how to do it. There are many religions and spiritual teachings that teach it theoretically, but not how to actually accomplish living and being unconditionally loving. Most spiritual traditions would more than likely say that it isn’t even possible except by attaining perfection. In my opinion, attaining perfection is a waste of time. Enjoying your imperfection would be much more beneficial to your spiritual growth. And most religions would say that it is not possible unless you die, are “saved,” and go to heaven, thus getting rid of your human suit and “sinful self, that is keeping you from being unconditionally loving.” Unconditional love is possible now, with our limited human perceptions and physical limitations. You do not have to attain enlightenment to unconditionally love. You have the ability to unconditionally love now! You, as a divine spiritual essence, now, are naturally unconditionally loving, so it is merely a matter of being and acting as you truly are. You as a higher dimensional spiritual essence, naturally operate and exist unconditionally. In truth, we as spirits are conditional lovers just like humans, just a whole lot less conditional. In other words, we place a lot less conditions on how and when we will love. Paradoxically, we always love unconditionally, even us as humans love unconditionally, we are just not aware of it because we act out dramas that look like conditional love. We reject each other, and play games of withdrawal of love and affection. As humans we act conditionally, think conditionally, feel conditionally, etc. because we are in a world of form, a plane of demonstration, a world of limitation. As spirits we are always unconditionally loving, within the conditions of the Divine plan. This is where we are conditional, we will act conditional because it serves the limitation experience, the awakening process, and the manifestation of heaven on earth. It serves the direction of God, and ultimately we will follow this direction. If you are an unaware being, you will genuinely be conditionally loving, you will only love if it serves your limitation structures. You love if you can get love in return, or some other commodity that helps you maintain survival and personal security. You love because you can get something in return rather than loving because it is your natural state to do so. But of course if you are reading this than this does not apply to you, for someone operating at such lower levels of consciousness would never read one of my articles. You are awake, you are aware, you may already realize that you love unconditionally, that this is your natural state; if not, know it now! It appears as if you do not love unconditionally because you are in a human body, and the perception of humanness can be very deceiving. You are living in a world of limitation where the norm is conditional love and you are influenced by this; do not be dismayed, this is all temporary, and you are getting better at balancing your naturally unconditionally loving self with your unnaturally conditionally loving humanness. Your humanness does not even know what love is; it is learning, you are teaching it. Humanity in general, does not know what love is, it is learning, you are teaching it. Humanity needs you, and will look to you for the answers, for the truth of unconditional love. They will look at you as an example to follow. And many times they will not understand because you may act conditionally loving towards them, and they may call you a hypocrite, but they do not understand the essence of things, and you must forgive them and send them on their way to figure it out on their own. So do not aspire to unconditional love, for you are unconditional love, and you are already unconditionally loving. Being unconditionally loving is easy, acting unconditionally loving, combining unconditional love, (true reality), with this “reality” of limitation, is the difficult part. So give yourself a break, for the divine human has not manifested yet; the new civilisation of light is not here yet; we are still in the transition zone; you are still awakening and remembering your magnificence. So I recommend just aspiring to being a whole lot less conditional, or being strategically conditional. Discernment is the key to your mastery, and this will grow with experience. Know always, within the core of your being, that you are always unconditionally loving, and act unconditionally loving within the constraints of the human world. In other words balancing the world of limitation with the unlimited world of unconditional love, where all is allowed. You see, in this world of creation, we are allowed to do whatever we want, this is the gift of free will. We are allowed to be completely loving, and we are allowed to be complete assholes. It is all experience for our souls, soul groups, our creators, and for All That Is, the experience of separation within the oneness and wholeness of All That Is. You are allowed to do what ever you want until it is time to come home. It is now time to come home, the children are being called back to the source by mom. We are balancing the world of physical humanness with the cosmic. We are becoming cosmic humans. But we are not cosmic humans yet, we cannot act unconditionally loving now, all the time, and function daily. I will explain further. The more you awaken to true reality and your own divinity, and live within your own consciousness in this divine existence, the more you separate yourself from normal society and its conditional structures, the more you will be able to experience being in a state of unconditional love. The more experience you have being in this state while living within normal society, the more you will be able to act unconditionally loving. If you act unconditionally loving all the time, 24/7, you would have very little to do with day to day life, because life as we know it is set up conditionally. Day to day functionality is based on survival: earn your keep; prove your worth; earn my love, etc. Unconditional love cannot function within these constraints, it does not recognise them as being real. Unconditional love does not even see them, because they do not really exist. If you live completely unconditionally within this conditional society, you will be abused and ridiculed. This is not loving to self as you will not be taking care of yourself, and does not accomplish anything on a planetary level. To function within this conditional society and actually make some impact on spiritual levels, you must be unconditionally conditional. This is the paradox of being a spiritual master that is unconditionally loving and living within a society that does not recognise unconditional love as being the only true reality. In other words you must act unconditionally loving within the limitation structures of humanity. You will naturally want to push beyond the boundaries of this world of limitation, this is your natural predisposition; you are a pathway cutter; a limitation structure buster. Your awareness of your natural state of unconditional love, no matter what you are doing within the world of limitation, naturally undermines these structures. Unconditional love is a powerful force of destruction and creation. Your existence within true reality and emanation of divinity, subverts the illusional “reality” of the old world. You must function with complete masterful discernment of how to best serve humanity’s awakening to their magnificence, with complete connection always to divine direction, the divine plan, and all the elements in the forces at play. Act as unconditionally as you are able, be a masterfully impeccable divine fool. If you are in a position to act more unconditionally loving in day to day life, have the courage to do so, do not let fear from the old world limit your expression. The more you act unconditionally within this world, the more mortar is chipped from its walls. Be realistic about reality; all is one and perfect within the imperfection of separation, and all is imperfect and separate within the wholeness of All That Is. You must be a master of limitation, you already are a master of divinity, it is now time to combine divinity with limitation and be a master of divine expression.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:51:13 +0000

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