Suits Season 3 Review “Endgame” – Onward and Upward In - TopicsExpress


Suits Season 3 Review “Endgame” – Onward and Upward In this episode of Suits, called “Endgame,” Harvey and Jessica team up to take down Stephen and figure out a way to take someone else out with him, while Louis discovers that his greatest failure could be his greatest challenge. Watching Harvey and Jessica work together the way they did in this episode was so great. I had nearly forgotten what it was like to see them on the same team and fighting for the same things. This whole fight of theirs has been hard to watch. I felt kind of like a kid watching her parents fight – I didn’t like it and I wanted it to end. Then again, if having to watch that breakdown of their relationship meant that I got to see fantastic scenes like the one where they drank together and declared each other family. maybe I’m okay with that. You all know how much I loves me the drama and angst. Speaking of drama and angst – the Louis and Harold story brought a ton of that. At first, I was just enjoying Louis getting to scream at his associates again. I knew how much he missed getting to mold them and every time he hollered and screamed, it made my heart happy. But when Harold came back into the mix, I found that I couldn’t decide how I wanted to feel. It seemed that the joy went out of Louis’ screams when he aimed them at Harold and I couldn’t put a finger on why. Then came another lovely scene and I realized that Louis didn’t so much hate Harold as he hated what Harold represented – Louis. In the end, really enjoyed seeing those two challenge each other and I wonder if we haven’t found another foe for Louis. I would love to see them go up against each other again. With only two episodes left before the summer finale, I wonder what else is coming for the firm. Just because it looks like Darby and Stephen are out, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are. Also, I’m curious to find out what’s going to happen between Rachel and Mike. My favorite bits.. Donna taking care of Harvey’s face. So. Many. Feels. “It was a fight, Donna, not a duel.” – Yeah, right. Harvey promising Donna that Stephen would pay. Stephen’s pathetic attempt to compare what he did to what Harvey does. Donna informing Stephen that he was fired. Yes! Louis screaming at the associates is like getting a warm handshake from an old friend. I missed it. Mike walking into the hotel like he owned the place and then claiming he was Mariga’s cousin. “What do you want from me, Louis?” “I want to yell at you!” Kind of admiring the way that Harold refused to back down to Louis. “Rachel, whose side are you on?… Don’t answer that question.” Harvey warning Stephen that Jessica doesn’t respond well to threats. Harvey brilliantly getting Stephen to testify, without the guy saying a single word. Too bad it didn’t quite work. “Lawyers killing people? That’s a hell of a firm you have your name on, Harvey.” – Ugh, what a jerk. “A man is judged by the photos he displays.” “You have a photo of yourself.” “Now you’re making my point for me.” “I. Smell. Mint.” – Who knew that one little sentence could be so threatening? Harold trying to point out that paragraphs couldn’t talk to each other. Harold trying to defend Carrot Top. Oh, dear. Really, Harold? I’m trying so hard to like you. Ava slapping Darby. That was long overdue. Darby telling Jessica about how much Ava used to help him and her father to stay hidden. “I’m tired of feeling betrayed by you. I’d rather forgive you.” Harvey and Jessica apologizing to each other. WHOA. No wonder she brought over booze. No way was that easy for either of them. “You’re family to me.” Harvey just marching into Mike’s place and opening up the fridge like he owned the place. Okay. I TOTALLY need a copy of Louis’ Tactics now. Haha! I love Louis, but I also love that Harold pulled one over on him. Harold quoting The Breakfast Club. Someone is getting cooler. “You just crossed a line. Julie Andrews is a national treasure.” Aw man, now I feel sorry for Harold again. This is so confusing. Darby offering to lie on the stand. Oh, crap. Donna getting to tell Stephen that he was being arrested. Yes. Darby discovering that Jessica set up to get him out of the firm. Nice! Rachel telling Louis that he was yanking Harold off the rope. “Am I really the person you want to celebrate this big, murder trial with?” “I don’t know – you put out?” “Why don’t you ask Rachel?” – Hahahahaha! Burn. Wondering exactly what Harvey thinking about as he walked away from the car. What did you think of this episode of Suits? Got any favorite bits or least favorite bits of your own? I’d love to hear from you! Follow me on Twitter @mokibobolink
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 18:03:08 +0000

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