Summarizing whats happening in Ferguson from what Ive seen posted - TopicsExpress


Summarizing whats happening in Ferguson from what Ive seen posted to reddit/live/tdrph3y49ftn/ the last ~18 hours (tl;dr: it was ugly last night, but local police are no longer in charge and its WAY BETTER right now): - Two national media reporters (WashPo and HuffPo) were arrested at a McDonalds for trespassing, put in a cell for a few hours, then released without charge or explanation, the reports are clear and obvious intimidation cant beat the ride patterns. - The local alderman who has been one of the most prolific posters (twitter mostly) was dragged out of his car and arrested late last night, apparently because the cops were trying to disperse a crowd and he wasnt moving [fast enough]. The crowd heard of it quickly and actually made it to the jail before the cops got him there. Activity focused around the jail until late in the evening when the police dispersed the crowd and there were a few more arrests of the last ones that wouldnt leave. He was released this morning, I havent read his accounts yet. - An Al Jazeera film crew was fired on (tear gas and rubber bullets), pictures taken later showed police tearing down the gear they left behind. Police now claim they were rescuing the media crew and helping them move their gear to a safer place, but I dont think media are agreeing with that whitewash. BUT TODAY: - The Governor announced that hes removing the County PD from being in charge of security for the area and bringing in a State PD Captain Johnson who is from the area. - Johnson arrived on the scene with a force in regular uniforms, no riot gear, addressed protestors gathering for a march, and then he and his men joined the march. That march is ongoing and is hundreds strong. He continues to give interviews and such while they march. Hes said the police have orders from him to leave gas masks off. Overall its a *much* better tone right now. - One of the reporters who was arrested last night says the new police are setting up secure staging areas for media and that the difference between tonight and previous nights this week is night and day, night and day. - Meanwhile, the moment of silence scheduled for St Louis tonight is happening all over the country, pictures are showing up in that reddit thread. - Also, the DOJ guy in charge of civil rights stuff has been sent with a team of investigators to Ferguson to take over the investigation into the original killing.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 23:49:40 +0000

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