Summary: HI IM NIKKI IM A WHITE GIRL AND I LIVED IN CHINA AND IT WAS COOL AND THERE WERE CHINESE PEOPLE AND I DATED TWO CHINESE MEN BUT THEY HAD WEIRD CULTURES AND THEY WERE GROSS SO NOW IM GONNA GO WRITE AN ARTICLE IN AN INTERNATIONALLY DISTRIBUTED PAPER ABOUT HOW THESE CHINESE MEN WERE SO BAD AND HOW DATING IS SO WEIRD IN CHINA BECAUSE I KNOW SO MUCH AFTER DATING THESE TWO CHINESE MEN. Key quotes: Beijing has its good points – and its bad. Although exciting and unpredictable, from its fascinating culture to its mind-bending language, it’s certainly not an ideal place to find long-term love, no matter how beautiful, smart, successful and hilarious you may be. In Beijing, even the most average Western men are able to attract pretty Chinese girls, who seem to be under the impression that they have all the style and sophistication of Daniel Craig. As a result, the streets of the city are filled with smug-looking Western guys holding hands with their pint-sized Chinese princesses. PETITE AND EAGER TO PLEASE, these girls are so cute I don’t blame the guys for being attracted to them. (Emphasis mine) to me [dating Chinese men] represented adventure, rebellion and a whole new way to escape the status quo. Translation: The idea of being with these men was more important to me than being with them. Having a native boyfriend was like being given a key to China. Translation: Yeah, it really helped me get the most out of my trip. We Brits have been brought up to consider personal hygiene and table manners as second nature. So when you move to a country where talking with your mouth full of food, street-side nasal cleansing and communal squat toilets are a feature of everyday life, you have to develop higher tolerance levels along with a strong stomach. Translation: There is only one standard of hygiene, it was invented by White people, and everyone else should follow it. It takes a very peculiar person to be willing to pack their bags and relocate to a country as curious as China – I should know, because I’m one of them.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:12:30 +0000

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