Summary: This article by no means fully explains everything. I am - TopicsExpress


Summary: This article by no means fully explains everything. I am not covering all the various applications of chemtrails in this article. I will only be discussing one reoccurring pattern I have been documenting for the past 11 months. This article is not meant to upset the hard line geo engineer activist. The fact remains this activity is real, burgeoning and being documented worldwide. Since January of 2014 I have been documenting chemtrail activity and patterns in relation to the dates of the full moon here in the Antelope Valley. My findings may only be applicable to Southern California but I have had reports of very similar activity from many other areas around the world. It is difficult to document this activity worldwide or get others to participate in keeping track of this activity. The cycle and patterns I have documented goes like this. Prior to the date of the full moon each month we have a break in chemtrail activity for 7 to 10 days. This will vary depending on the purpose or application of chemtrail activity. If we have a storm front coming in, they will spray to geo engineer the storm for weather manipulation keeping California in a constant state of drought carrying our moisture east. Keep in mind there are different chemtrails for different applications. Each month on or about the date of the full moon, daytime chemtrailing commences once again but a another deployment happens as well… Chemtrailing the Full Moon… One to three days on either side of the full moon date they chemtrail the moon to obscure the view. The hours that they chemtrail the moon will vary as well. Some months they will only cover the moon from when it rises until 11:00 pm. Other months they will chemtrail throughout the night. The number of nights they cover the moon will also vary anywhere from one to several nights. Daytime Chemtrailing will then continue for SRM and or weather multiplication until 7-10 days prior to the next months full moon then the cycle repeats itself. In recent months the spraying has started two days after the full moon date. What on earth is the reason for chemtrailing the full moon. Surly it has nothing to do with so called solar radiation management. Maybe deadly moon beams, I don’t think so… Chemtrailing Only the Setting Sun Summary of events in our sky for November 8th, 2014. Prior to and after sunrise, I observed the sky to be completely clear, no clouds and no chemtrails. At approx 1:00 pm I observed chemtrail activity just above the western horizon that drastically increased as the afternoon progressed. Overhead and to the east the skies were still clear. There was no chemtrail activity throughout the day blocking the sun like we see on so called SRM days. After sunset they continued spraying the western horizon for approx 30 minutes then began chemtrailing the eastern horizon in preparation for the rising moon. All throughout this activity the skies directly over head remained relativity clear. They continued to spray the rising moon until approx 9:00 pm then were finished for the day. Conclusions of the Author: Regarding this activity I have documented and videoed for the past 11 months, I am racking my brain as to the reason for this repeated cycle. My opinion is this activity has nothing to do with Solar Radiation Management, weather manipulation or any Military application that I can connect the dots to. The fact is, there is a repeating pattern that needs more investigation by others around the world. If we had a collective data base I believe we may get answers. The bottom line is we simply don’t know. Someone does… Chemtrailing and blocking the late afternoon sun prior to and after sunset also raises many questions. If this activity was for Solar Radiation Management wouldn’t they block the sun continually from sunrise to sunset like they do on obvious SRM days? Again, In my opinion this late afternoon blocking of the sun is not for SRM. Could they be hiding something? Always keep in mind there are different chemtrails for different applications. Also we need to pray to the Lord asking for discernment and a solution to these agendas. Take it to the Lord in prayer, it works… Theories, Links and Websites: Special thanks to all the researchers listed in this article and to the many others who are dedicating their time in searching for the truth. Listed below is a small fraction of information that is available. If you Google these subjects you will be amazed. I believe most people would simply be blown away if the truth was publicized by governments. I have not followed the theories regarding Planet X / Nibiru or other theorized planetary objects that may be approaching or in our solar system. However, it sure seems plausible based on my observations they may be attempting to obstruct our view of something. Could this something only be visible on or about the full moon each month or have some connection to the gravitational pull of the earth? Could Nibiru be one of the reasons for all the construction of underground military bases, D,U,M,B’s. Google the subject Nibiru and D.U.M.B.’s. . https://youtube/results?search_query=nibiru thetruthdenied/news/2012/12/14/deep-underground-military-base-d-u-m-b/ Be sure to read the HAARP Patent____________________ UFO’s, top secret military craft, secrete space program… Over the past 4 years while videoing chemtrails, I have captured a variety of what appears to be advanced craft in our skies. Craft of varying size, some appear capable of anti-gravity and advanced propulsion systems, some traveling at very high speeds and some that are using some type of technology to render them almost invisible, i.e., Cloaked Craft. Could the mentioned activity be more visible during the full moon thus their reason for attempting to block out the moon? thetruthdenied/news/2014/06/23/ufos-and-their-strange-attraction-to-chemtrails-what-on-earth-is-the-connection/ thetruthdenied/news/2014/05/27/cloaked-craft-in-our-skies-now-revealed/ https://youtube/watch?v=CMn8NCGVUV0 ____________________ Alien / Government Bases on the Moon. There have been many captures / photos and information that has been publicized about craft and structure’s on the moon. With the advancement in optics the average person now had the ability to really zoom in on the moons surface. Could it be that during the full moon they are attempting to hide structure’s and activity? thetruthdenied/news/2014/01/24/craft-detected-on-moon-testimony-of-nsa-and-nasa/ alien-ufo-research/alien_moon_bases/ https://youtube/watch?v=gEG_1XjOcX0&feature=player_detailpage&list=UU530bHC00_dM0e2-KwAOXxg Lunar Wave (Hologram?) Confirmed By Two Additional Videos! https://youtube/watch?v=3LGmF6yVK0Q&feature=player_detailpage&list=UUW4k9vXjgOSDcYq6Ge9hWWg
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:29:59 +0000

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