Sun in Libra Astro-Rant Shortly after the Sun enters Libra, we - TopicsExpress


Sun in Libra Astro-Rant Shortly after the Sun enters Libra, we have a New Moon. First a change of seasons, then a new start! The spirit of the 7th sign is connection: to partners, friends, associates, whoever. From a spiritual perspective, other people reflect back who we are, just like the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. In this season, we are truly learning to join with others for they ARE us at a very deep, interconnected, level. Making this more overt is the promise and our collective work, while the challenge is reinforcing separation consciousness and being lost in our own projections in the mirror, mirror on the wall. Ahhh, autumn! As the landscape beautifies and the nights grow longer, we take stock of what really matters in this life, being a part of it all. Libra involves the simple lesson of inclusion, and its timely to check in with how that is playing out in our lives. How do we approach the external world? What adjustments can be made to make participation more fulfilling? How do we maintain authenticity in our connections? When is compromise appropriate? We are entering a whole new phase now after the great tumult of previous months. Pluto has recently turned direct (9/22) and Saturn only has a couple months left in Scorpio, so the collective mood is lightening up. Furthermore, big-hearted Jupiter in Leo is now trine Uranus in Aries which is sparking the creative fires of new directions. Mars in Sagittarius will make it a Grand Trine configuration for much of this month. It is time to put the pedal to the metal around purposeful action towards our spiritual mission. All of this fire gets energy moving, but a caution for balance as we are now in the season of Libra. There are a couple of astrology events that are asking for an honest inner appraisal. First, Mercury turns retrograde on 10/4 and will be that way for the rest of this Libran month. It will hover around the Nodal Axis for much of the time. This calls to mind unfinished messages of spiritual importance which are ready to be completed. If there is a writing project to finish, now is the time. Also, teaching and learning issues are emphasized. With Mercury opposed Uranus, there is major breakthroughs in ideas and innovations. Next, there is an Aries lunar eclipse on 10/8, a real juicy one which involves Venus, Uranus, Pluto joining the Sun and Moon. I call eclipses times of breakdown or breakthrough, and this one concerns new relational paradigms that blow apart traditional protocols in order to be free. Who would you be if you were completely spontaneous and not self-conscious at all? If all of life was just your own dream, would you approach the world differently? It may be time to entertain that zany idea, and bring it into how we relate. We can transform our social and cultural conditioning to welcome individuality at the next level, or the shadow is to subtly renew conformist tendencies. The next exact hit of the Uranus/Pluto square is in December, that will be # 6 of 7, then a few years for the event to separate and release. We are still in the peak of competing impulses for progress vs. tradition, the yearning for reinvention and the need for security. At this point, we are being invited to develop greater individual expressions and contributions which can change the collective fabric of inclusion. Each person is being summoned to lift their game up to do something bold and meaningful. This is a season to participate in this incredible, wondrous, inconceivable yet divinely perfect universe.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 20:05:39 +0000

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