Sunday August 31sts vibration (31+8+2+0+1+4) = 46/10/1. On a 10/1 - TopicsExpress


Sunday August 31sts vibration (31+8+2+0+1+4) = 46/10/1. On a 10/1 energy day we have a clear opportunity to connect with SOURCE, (with 10, the SELF, 1, stands next to the DIVINE 0, on a new plateau of self-awareness), so use it to gain clarity on where you are heading next. When 10 appears, we have come full circle, we have arrived back at the beginning, back home to Source, back to the ONE, but now we see that we are the creator and the created, the One and the Zero, standing next to each other, aware of each other, and looking out on a new vista of conscious awareness. Recognising the geometric expression of 1 as the infinite circle we can understand the connection between 1 and 0, and the image of the monad encompassing the energy of these vibrations is shown in the centre circle of card 10’s mandala. 1 is the 1st vibration that moves out from the void: it’s energy is inspirational, independent and forward-looking. New horizons beckon, and today is a good time to embrace newness rather than resist it. With 1, new beginnings are always prompted, and so you may find that things change in your personal environment, new perspectives, new friends, new places to visit. The energy of 10 reaches a new plateau of perfection, with 10 we have a perfect 10/10! We have moved through the root essence single digits and risen to new heights with the first double digit, which takes us right back to the beginning again, the 1, but this time we have the divine awareness of the Zero/Monad/Circle encompassing us too, and so our consciousness is reborn and transformed via the energy of the 10. 10 shines the spotlight on you, and you may feel this as heat or pressure or stress, too, as well as recognition, adoration and ambition. 10’s energy is all about attainment and ambition. This will make you determined to overcome any obstacles on your path today, but you may also succumb to disappointments, generated by somewhat unrealistic expectations. You may need to balance yourself and not let your imagination get too carried away. The 10th card in the Tarot is the WHEEL of FORTUNE, and its main message is that over time, all things come to pass. It also tells us that time is cyclic rather than linear, and what goes around, comes around. This card illustrates the karmic cycle of cause and effect. The Wheel of Fortune also suggests that some good karma is coming your way today. Past good deeds will be rewarded, and you will finally be able to look upon those events in the past with humour and understanding. Limitless cycles of potential can be witnessed, and maintained, as long as one stays centred, at the HUB of the wheel, where motion ceases, or appears to. The physical forces exerted when one clings to the edge of the wheel, are much more impactful and dramatic, we are at the mercy of life’s ups and downs, hanging on for dear life. 10 says: shift your perspective, centre yourself, sharpen your focus and know who you are. You have a new life to create, and your reality is limited only by your imagination. The 46th card in the Tarot is the 6 of Cups. The traditional image shows 6 cups filled with white, 5-pointed flowers and two children, one older than the other, with the older child offering one of the flower-filled cups to the younger. Secure-looking buildings surround them in the background. The younger child represents the past, our childhood, and the older child, the future, our potential. These symbols refer to feelings of nostalgia, so today you may be reminded of happy memories of the past that relate to your current progress and evolution. A new perspective is found today, through the energy of the 10, and these new insights can come from a profound understanding that you glean from nostalgic memories. This shift of consciousness is then cemented through the 4 (the buildings in the image), manifesting new foundations that give you the confidence to really shine your light, to give freely of your gifts, (the energy of the 6 compels us to share and communicate), knowing that your uniqueness is indeed a gift that must be shared with the world. Go forth and SHINE today, everyone! Rosalind Pape. Visit the PERSONAL MANDALAS page daily to read the daily date vibration reports! Daily vibe/mandala/tarot posts by Rosalind Pape @ https://facebook/PersonalMandalas blueprint4creation https://facebook/PersonalMandalas/photos/a.359505084086121.74895.145451122158186/718537474849545/?type=1&theater
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 05:03:11 +0000

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